Welcome to our parish!

It’s good to have you here

St. John Fisher Church is a thriving community of Catholic Christians striving to live as followers of Jesus Christ and to proclaim the good news to the people of North Harrow and beyond.

Everyone has something to contribute, and we look forward to getting to know you better and welcoming you onto our pilgrimage!

Therefore, we hope you will soon feel able to participate in whatever feels right for you.

If you would like to learn more about parish life and are happy for a member of our parish to phone you, please do contact the parish office to arrange this.

to receive the newsletter in your inbox each week click here


The Catholic life is centred around the Eucharist and the celebration of Holy Mass.

Our community is invited to gather each day for the celebration of Mass at these times:


Saturday 6pm (Vigil)

Sunday: 8:30am, 10:00am* and 11:30am

Weekdays: Monday: 10:00am, Tuesday: 10:00am, Wednesday: 10:00am,

Thursday: 7:00pm, Friday 10:00am, Saturday: 10:00am.

*Livestreamed on YouTube

The church is open most daytimes for private prayer so when you are passing do pop in and light a candle!

In addition, there are times of Eucharistic Adoration on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays and the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) published in the weekly newsletter.

We welcome parishioners who wish to enrich the liturgy by using whatever gifts they have; whether as musicians, altar servers, readers, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, cleaners, flower arrangers, counting the collection or welcoming people to mass.

Please contact the parish office or speak to one of the Parish team.

St John Fisher RC Church, 80 Imperial Close, North Harrow, HA2 7LW

Parish office telephone: 020 8868 7531 – please leave a message if no answer:

Email: harrownorth@rcdow.org.uk