Sacramental Preparation

A Sacrament is an efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is given to us. Full and active participation in the sacramental life of the Church requires a period of preparation of both mind and heart to be receptive to the grace of new life in Christ.

Please contact the Parish Office for further information.

Baptism Preparation

For those parishioners who attend church regularly we celebrate baptisms at 2.30 pm on the first and third Sunday of the month. Those requiring baptism should ask for an application pack from the pastoral assistant and once completed, return it to her. Parents and if possible godparents are asked to attend 2 preparation sessions in order to understand the promises and responsibilities they are undertaking.

First Reconciliation & Eucharist

For children aged 7+ (Year 3 and above). Sessions run from January to June.


For young people aged 13+ (Year 9 and above). Sessions are held from January to June. A weekend Retreat is included in the preparation.

For ADULTS & CHILDREN of school age not baptised or not Catholic:

R.C.I.A. & R.C.I.C. – Becoming a Catholic
For non-Catholics – baptised or not.
Possibly also suitable for adults who are only baptised as Catholics and wish to complete their initiation with the celebration of First Eucharist and Confirmation and for “distanced” Catholics returning to the practice of their faith.
Please see a priest or the pastoral assistant.

Marriage Preparation

A series of 3 sessions covering the vows made and how they can be lived out. Themes cover: Commitment, Conflict and Communication. Sessions are held in January, February and March. Contact the Parish Office.

Non-Sacramental Catechetics

Children’s Liturgy

A Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word for children aged 3-7 during 12pm Mass.
A group for 8-11 year olds could be possible if there are sufficient volunteers.

Catechists… Helpers…

A catechist is basically someone who shares their faith with others and helps guide people in their care along their journey in their relationship with God.
It is an increasingly vital role in the life of the Universal Church to help the growth and future of a faith community.
Opportunities exist to work with people of all ages and in different situations.
The time commitment required depends on the area of involvement. More information is available on request.
As it is an important work of the church, prayer is vital both on the part of the catechist and the parish faith community.
As an alternative to working with groups, opportunities exist in supportive roles – helpers, administration, preparing artwork and service leaflets, music, prayer sponsors….


Post-First Communion, Confirmation and R.C.I.A.; Adult catechesis…

It is hoped to offer opportunities to explore and deepen our understanding and knowledge of various aspects of our faith at various times during the year.