Altar Servers


Archconfraternity of St Stephen for Altar servers

We have a flourishing Guild which was set up in 1932 to organise and train parishioners to assist the Priest by serving at Mass. It is open to any parishioner who has made their first Holy Communion. We are also interested in recruiting adults to train as MCs.
The altar servers in the parish are there to ensure that the Mass runs smoothly, the Celebrant is supported and we, the congregation, are able to participate fully so we can give of our best to worship our Lord in our Sunday community celebration. Becoming an altar server does mean making a regular commitment to serve at Mass, whichever you attend.Our guild of altar servers is 85 years old and with your support we will take it to its 100th birthday easily! If you are interested in becoming an altar server then could you complete an application form (found in the porch or click below) particularly with an indication of the most suitable days for training so we can plan the two sessions.

Application Form For Altar Servers 2018

Contact: Richard Bradford