Confirmation 2024

Confirmation Programme 2024 started on Tuesday 12th March 2024

The next session is on Tuesday 16th April 2024 in the hall. 

Young people who are in Year 9 and above are invited to apply to take part in the Confirmation Programme this year.

The purpose of the programme is to provide young people with a time of formation and discernment so that at the end of the programme they can decide for themselves whether or not they want to be confirmed members of the Catholic Church.

The sessions will  begin with Mass at 18:30 and finish by 20:30.

The induction session, as all other sessions, are mandatory to complete the programme as it is not possible for a young person to ‘catch up’ at home if sessions are missed. Sessions will take place on a Tuesday evening. The full timetable of sessions  Session dates Spring to Autumn 2024

If at any point during the Confirmation Programme your young person decides that they do not wish to be confirmed that is absolutely fine. Confirmation is a personal choice and should be received free from any pressure.

If there is a young  person in your household who wishes to be part of the Confirmation Programme for 2024 please  download, complete and return the application form    Confirmation Application 2024      to Ciara by email or bringing it to the Parish Office,  by Monday 8th  April2024.

Please note: as part of the application process, you will need to provide a copy of your Baptism Certificate if you were not baptised here at Our Lady’s.

The Confirmation programme aims to provide a space for the candidates to explore and challenge their faith in a safe environment. This is done by following the Sycamore series; the format of this is a short video on an aspect of the Catholic faith and has three elements throughout: input, discussion and views. The input is by Fr Stephen Wang a Catholic Priest of our diocese who is Rector of the Venerable English College in Rome. After a time of input, the candidates are posed a question for discussion. They spend time discussing the topic in groups with their catechist(s). The catechist is there to encourage discussion and offer their thoughts as another person also on a faith journey.

If you want to know more about the Sycamore series then please click the following link:

Adult Confirmation

For people who are over the age of 18 and who would like to be confirmed, the RCIA course is the appropriate support.  Please contact Sacramental Co-ordinator to join the RCIA group. The RCIA process is a continuous one, so there is no limit on when you join it. 

For people above 13/14 but below 18 years of age, we believe the existing parish formation as above for the sacrament will usually be appropriate.  

Naturally there is a process of discernment as to what will suit an individual seeking adult confirmation, and we hope always to provide the most appropriate support possible.