Reconciliation and First Holy Communion – 2024

Sacramental Co-ordinator update We do not yet have a date from our HR department when our new co-ordinator Ciara O’Reilly will be starting. However Fr Justin is keen that we continue delivering existing programmes and make plans for the Baptism and Confirmation Courses. This will be discussed with Ciara and dates and applications will be published in the next couple of weeks so keep your eyes on the newsletter and the Sacramental page

The First Holy Communion programme will continue as planned though it is likely there will be a couple more dates added to the programme.


We aim to provide you with practical support and useful opportunities for discussion as you experience the privilege of helping your son or daughter prepare for these sacraments.  Some of the input is just for parents; some is for parents and children together.  The Church teaches us that parents are the ‘first and best teachers’ of their children.  There is no one more suited to guide your child through this time than you, who know them so well.  The course is designed to make your task easier and more pleasurable.

The next workshop is on:

Saturday 20th April 2024


arrive at 09:45 for a 10:00 start

First Holy Communion and Reconciliation

The Course will follow the ‘I Belong’ book which guides Children through the different elements of The Mass providing understanding and meaning to The Liturgy. The idea behind following this course provides the opportunity for parents to sit with their children and share their faith. There is a parents guide to allow parents to journey with their children. There is a course material fee of £20. This covers the cost of both the Parents Guide and the book for the Children. If this is an issue or if you have more than one child on the course then please do email Sacramental Co-ordinator.

Each Month there will be parent only meetings to explore ‘I Belong’ Material as well as an opportunity to deepen your own faith by following a series of video clips from the ‘Sycamore’ Series which are faith related videos with some discussion questions. The meetings will also provide a space for parents to share any difficulties that may have occurred since the last meeting.

There will also be workshops held on Saturday Mornings 10-11.30am for parents and their children – please arrive from 9.45 to start promptly.

Dates for the Reconciliation and First Holy Communion course 2024 are available to download.

Click on link to download application form and also please read the item below for more information about the Course. Application form 2024

We also operate an additional Programme that operates in conjunction with the main programme. This is specifically designed for those Children who do not attend Catholic Schools these Sessions are run by Teresa Lawrence Hyde. The Programme journey’s through the Liturgical year exploring the high points  and the Liturgical seasons. These Sessions will take place on Wednesday 4.30- 5.30. Please click here for the Dates of Sessions