Admin & Finance

Parish Team
Parish Priest: Fr John Deehan 020 7485 4023
Administrator: Post vacant during Covid pandemic
Welfare: Richard Mallon 0795 1600 451

Parish Council
Purpose:   Parish Life & Development
Meetings:  Suspended during Covid pandemic

Purpose: Exercising care and protection for our children, vulnerable adults
and one another.
Contacts: Brenda Humphries  020 7267 4227

Parish Finance Committee
Purpose:  To oversee Parish finances
Meetings: Meets quarterly
Contact:   Fr John Deehan

Planned Giving
Purpose:   Donations to the Church
See website: donate to our parish (above).

200 Club
Purpose:  A Monthly Draw that supports upkeep of the parish
Suspended during the Covid pandemic

Parish Building Fund
Purpose:  Supports parish building and maintenance
Contact: Fr John Deehan 020 7485 4023