Category: Uncategorised

Pilgrimage to Rochester

On Saturday 16th September, the priests and seminarians made a pilgrimage to Rochester, visiting St John Fisher’s Cathedral. St John Fisher, martyred for the Faith under Henry VIII, was a man of great learning, pastoral zeal, and love for the Church; his feast is celebrated with St Thomas More, on whose estate the seminary is […]

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New Men 2023

The new seminarians arrived at Allen Hall on Friday 8th September for an induction weekend, for a chance to settle in and familiarise themselves with the seminary, before the rest of the students came back on Sunday evening to begin the new year by singing Solemn Vespers and then enjoying supper together. There are new […]

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On this page you will find the latest information about what has been happening in and around Allen Hall Seminary. Solemn Oaths 2023 Cardinal Vincent Nichols celebrated mass at Allen Hall Seminary and was witness to the signing of the solemn oaths by priests and deacons to be. Congratulations once again to Matus, Robert, Eddie, […]

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