About Us
We are delighted to extend a warm greeting to all who seek spiritual nourishment, community, and a deeper connection with their faith. At St. Gabriel’s, we strive to be a beacon of God’s love and mercy, welcoming all who enter our doors with open arms.
Our parish is dedicated to fostering a vibrant spiritual life through worship, fellowship, and service. Whether you’re a long-time parishioner or a newcomer, you’ll find a supportive community here, ready to walk alongside you on your journey of faith.
Join us for our Mass celebrations, sacramental encounters, educational programs, and social outreach initiatives. Together, let us grow in love and faith as we honour the teachings of Christ and the guidance of Our Lady of Sorrows.
We look forward to welcoming you to St. Gabriel’s and sharing in the joy of our Catholic faith together. May God bless you abundantly as you journey with us in faith, hope, and love.

Join us for Holy Mass
Weekdays 12:00 noon
Saturday (Vigil) 6.30pm
Sunday 9:00 am, 11.30 am, and 6.30 pm
Online Sunday Mass: Jan 9:00 am, Feb 11:30 am, Mar 9:00 am, Apr: 11:30 am,
May 9:00 am, Jun 11:30 am, Jul 9:00 am, Aug 11:30 am, Sep 9:00 am, Oct 11:30 am Nov 9:00 am, Dec 11:30 am
Christ in our midst
Everything we do at St Gabriel’s is done with Christ in our midst. As a community and as individuals, we always strive to imitate his example and realise his body.
True community
We pride ourselves on our open and loving community. No matter who you are, how you look, or where you are from, at St Gabriel’s we will welcome you with an open embrace and a genuine interest in you as a person, a member of our family.
Faith formation
Our Father in heaven loves us without condition, yet we so often struggle to accept his love. At St Gabriel’s we will help you to strengthen and invest in this most crucial relationship through pastoral care, the sacraments, and our community of faith.
At the margins
What a blessing it is to know that we are loved; and yet so many people in our society are too often ignored and left behind. That’s why we have made outreach to the marginalised one of our core missions at St Gabriel’s.
Prayer at our heart
Ask and it shall be given, that is what the Lord promised. We could never achieve all we do from only our own strength and resources, but only with the Lord’s help. That’s why prayer is at the heart of our lives at St Gabriel’s.
The fullness of the faith
Daily masses, regular opportunity for confession, communal prayer, adoration, the rosary — at St Gabriel’s we continually invite you to experience the life of our faith in all its fullness.
Find Us
We’re located on the corner of Holloway Road and St John’s Villas. That’s roughly half-way between Archway Underground Station and Upper Holloway Overground Station, and less than 5 minutes walk from either station.
Postal adress: 15 St John’s Villas, Archway, London N19 4EE.
Phone: 0207 272 8195
Email: archway@rcdow.org.uk