Are you an adult non-Catholic interested in exploring what the Catholic faith is about? If the answer is yes, our RCIA programme may be for you.
The RCIA (Rite of (Catholic Initiation for Adults) is a journey of faith, a journey that helps to decide if you are ready to take the road, which leads to full membership of the Catholic Church. The journey culminates at Easter: – for those not yet baptised: in Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion and for those already baptised in another Christian Church: in being received into full Communion of the Catholic Church, Confirmation and First Communion.
If you are enquiring into this process, you will have already travelled some part of the way along the road of faith. We all encourage each other along the way. By joining the program, you would not be committing yourself to baptism or to being received into the Catholic Church, but simply to exploring further.
Participants will be asked to attend Sunday Mass at Holy Trinity Baldock each week and there is a regular weekly meeting, on Tuesdays, to help those taking part in the journey to grow deeper in their faith – faith seeking understanding.
To find out more or to sign up, please contact Fr. Denis on 01462-893127