Baptism is the beginning of our life of faith, the beginning of getting to know and understand what being loved by God means. Baptism is God’s token to us of his great love. Our faith carries us forward to the Sacraments, but when we are babies it is the faith of our parents which brings us to the Sacrament of Baptism.
Infant Baptism
Congratulations on the birth of your child. The Church rejoices with you at the arrival of a new and unique person who is loved by God and created in his image. Having been blessed with your new child you are now setting about doing the best for your child and for many Catholic parents this means joining the family of the Church, especially the Church in your local area, your Parish. Through Baptism we become Christians and share in the life of the Church, which is Christ’s body on earth. The Baptism you are requesting for your child will be the greatest gift that you can ever give – a gift that means a life lived in the love of Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Your child’s Baptism will be the beginning of a journey of faith – an exciting and challenging journey which will lead the child deeper and deeper into the heart and love of God.
please complete the form online. You will also need to attend a Baptism Preparation Course; at the moment we are holding these all online and will send the link across to you upon receipt of your application.
A word about choosing … godparents
Each infant or young child who is to be baptised must have at least one godparent and a maximum of four.. The parents of the child to be baptised are prohibited from fulfilling the role of godparent for their own child. Godparents must be at least sixteen years of age; and at least one godparent must be a Catholic who is confirmed and has received First Communion; a person who lives a life in harmony with the Catholic faith and intends to carry out the role of godparent.
Church offering
It is the custom to make an offering for the upkeep and support of the church which can be given on the day of baptism. The suggested donation is £20, if this will cause a problem, please let us know.