A Certificate of Catholic Practice’ is a form to be signed by the Parish Priest to state that a child wishing to apply for entry into a Catholic Primary School for Nursery, Reception or for entry into a Catholic Secondary School.

What does the certificate state?

The form states that the child and their family are a practicing Catholic family. The definition of ‘practicing Catholic’ is that the family attend Mass each week and that they attend Mass on Holy Days of Obligation.
If you fulfill the criteria, please download the Certificate Pro Forma, complete as far as you can & drop it in at the Parish Office, along with a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate, IF YOUR CHILD WAS NOT BAPTISED AT BOREHAMWOOD. We will aim to have it completed within 5 working days for you to call in & collect.

The Parish Office is open Monday-Thursday 10am-4pm.

(Photo: mazur/catholicnews.org.uk)