Being part of any community is about getting involved and churches are no exception. Getting involved will mean you get the most out of church life and deepen your own relationship with God and other people as a result. There are may ways of getting involved in the parish. You can volunteer to be a catechist, church cleaner, assist with catering for parish events, or be part of the Fund Raising Committee. For more information, please fill in the Volunteer Form.

Music at Borehamwood

Music in the Catholic Parishes of Borehamwood plays a key role in our praise and worship of Almighty God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

Altar Servers/The Guild of St Stephen

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Lectors

St Vincent de Paul Society

Join the SVP – The St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) is an international Christian voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty, disadvantage and providing practical assistance to those in need.