Sacramental Preparation

A Sacrament is an efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is given to us. Full and active participation in the sacramental life of the Church requires a period of preparation of both mind and heart to be receptive to the grace of new life in Christ.

Please contact the Parish Office for further information.


The parish priest interviews parents requesting the baptism of their child and decides with them what preparation may be necessary. Appointments may be made with the Parish Office.


For ordinary times of Confession see Services. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated twice for the First Communicants before their First Communion Day.

Preparation is done during the Tuesday evening classes, see Religious Education.

First Holy Communion

Sacraments-pgRegistrations usually take place in early September at the church (see the September newsletter for the exact date). The Mass of First Holy Communion takes place in June.

It is expected that the children and their parents will be parishioners by residence or by registration, usually from the immediate area, who have made this their parish. Otherwise, if there are places available, permission will be required from the appropriate parish priest.


Confirmation preparation for our teenagers is given by the parish priest at the appropriate time of year. The minimum age for candidates is 14 years. Adult candidates are prepared separately, but all candidates are confirmed together in this parish.

Occasionally it might be possible for an unconfirmed adult preparing for marriage to be confirmed at the Cathedral.


Six months’ notice of intention to marry must be given in this diocese, so that a couple may be able to undergo proper preparation, complete the necessary paperwork and plan the liturgy for the wedding ceremony.

The Deanery offers a course of instruction, as do a number of other parishes, to which couples marrying abroad and others seeking to ‘do a course’ may be referred. Details are available from the Parish Office.

FlowersAnointing of the Sick

The parish priest is normally in touch with those who might need this sacrament, through his weekly visits to the sick with Holy Communion. The parish priest is always happy to discuss any other requests.

Mass intentions

Requests for masses to be said for the living and the dead should be referred to the Parish Office.


All requests for funerals should be addressed to the Parish Priest/Parish Office.