Our faith community is nourished by active participation in parish groups that meet for prayer or social action, through support of the Clergy, assisting with Sacramental Preparation and the support of others and each other in the life the Church. To share our lives in these ways allows us to offer ourselves and draw strength from one another.
People are always on the move and this is especially true in Chelsea, and help with our Sacramental Programmes is welcomed. Could you volunteer your time to help as a Catechist?
Please email the Parish Priest Fr Shaun Middleton at shaunmiddleton@rcdow.org.uk or have a chat with him after Mass.
We have a small church flower team and gardening team made up of volunteers. We are always looking for more people to boost the numbers to ensure that the garden is well maintained and that the church looks beautiful every week.
If you would like to join the gardening team please email Carolyn Hink at carolynhink@icloud.com To join the church flower team please email the Parish Office at chelsea1@rcdow.org.uk including your contact telephone number and we will put you in touch with the team leader.
There is an active St Vincent de Paul Society group in the parish, visiting the sick and housebound and hosting lunch or tea parties for the elderly members of the Parish. The SVP Group also befriend the homeless in the surrounding area, regularly going out one evening a month with food, drink, packs of essential items (known as ‘Vinnie Packs’) and having a chat with them. The work they do is vital and especially now as increasingly people are being pushed to the margins by difficult circumstances, and more and more elderly people are living alone with no family nearby for support.
If you would like to become a member or offer your support in any way then please contact the Parish Office chelsea1@rcdow.org.uk and we will put you in touch with St Mary’s SVP Team.
The Good Friends Cafe meet once a month on the second Saturday from 10.30am to 12.30pm in the St Thomas More room of the Rectory. It is a chance to mingle with parishioners and locals in a very relaxed setting over tea/coffee and cakes. All are welcome and it is a lovely way to connect with everyone. We hope you will join them at the next gathering.
The Mother’s Prayer Group meet every Wednesday during term time in the St Thomas More room of the Rectory from 10am to pray together for children and for the needs and intentions of the mother’s in the group. Mother’s and grandmothers, god mothers, aunties, foster mothers, spiritual mothers are encouraged to come along. The group pray for each other throughout the week not just on Wednesday mornings and it has proven to be a powerful and enriching experience. Simply come along at 10am and stay on for coffee if you have time.
For more on the Mother’s Prayers Organisation see http://www.mothersprayers.org/index.php/en/
Also active in the Parish are Lectio Divina Groups. These take place in the homes of local parishioners during term time only. If you would like to join or know more about this group please email kjaubert@btinternet.com
Once your child has made their First Holy Communion they are eligible to become an Altar Server. Training is provided and if your child is interested please have a word with Fr Shaun or our MC, Cosimo, after Mass on Sunday.
An informal social took place in the summer of 2018 with a view to starting up a youth group made up of recently confirmed teenagers. We hope our teenagers will lead the way with their ideas for this age group and how the church can best serve their needs. If you would like to help with this or if your child was confirmed recently and is interested in this initiative please have a chat with Fr Shaun.