A House of Prayer…..A Community of Faith


Welcome to the Roman Catholic Parish St Agnes in Cricklewood, London. Our parish is a vibrant, multicultural community of faith centred on our church which is a real house of prayer. Whether you are a long standing member of the parish or you have just arrived, we hope you will find what you are looking for on our website and we welcome your comments. May God bless you!
Our postal address is 35 Cricklewood Lane, NW2 1HR

Parish Office Open: Tuesday to Friday – 9am-1pm

You can call us on 020 8452 2475
Our email address is cricklewood@rcdow.org.uk

Please be patient with us as we await the appointment of a new Parish Priest.

In the meantime we are being looked after by Fr Paul McDermott our Parochial Administrator. He can be contacted at Golders Green parish 02084551300 goldersgreen@rcdow.org.uk

Confirmation Course: we invite our teenagers in year 9 or above to apply to join the Confirmation course. Places are limited. Please fill in the form on the parish website and send it to cricklewoodcat@rcdow.org.uk.

Mass times

Weekday Masses: 9.15am on Tues, Weds, Thurs & Fri; 10am on Saturday.

Sunday Masses next week: Sat 6.30pm, Sun at 9am, 10.30am & 12noon. No evening Mass
