Young Adults

You are a vital part of our parish community, and your energy and enthusiasm are invaluable. Our parish teams welcome your involvement, so have a look at our website and see if there is an area that is just right for you. And check the notice boards in the porch for details of local young adult events.

St Lawrence’s Youth Club (SLYC)

SLYC is our parish youth group. It is where our young parishioners (aged 14+) can meet socially and have fun. SLYC also offers a chance to look at what matters to young people – in the parish, the local area and beyond.

Meetings take place on Fridays from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm, in either the Parish Centre or St Lawrence’s School Hall.

Young Adults in the West

As a young adult in Feltham you are part of a wider community of young Catholics: a vibrant, active community with opportunities to meet socially, grow spiritually and volunteer your time. The diocesan website lets you check what’s on, read what others are doing and find out what it is to be a Young Adult in the West. So why not log on and join in.

To find out more about young adults in Westminster, please visit the Diocese of Westminster Youth website