The organisation is the body of all Ghanaian Catholic groups, associations and societies in the United Kingdom. It co-ordinates and promotes the welfare of Ghanaian Catholics in the United Kingdom. The London area has been divided into 5 sectors namely: North West, North, East, South East and South West. The thriving outside London areas currently are Manchester, Leeds, Milton Keynes and Reading groups.
The main associations/societies are: St Theresa’s, Christian Mothers, Knights and Ladies of Marshall, St Bernadette’s, St John’s, St Louis, HOPSA, various Ghanaian catholic faith groups / associations, including the Ave Maria, St Thomas the Apostle and Charismatic Ghanaian Choirs (All approved by the Bishop’s Conference).
GCC Celebrates Masses with the Ghanaian languages in liturgy; readings, hymns and songs.
Encourage members to donate monthly and seek other sources of funding for causes:
• To purchase a property to be used by the Chaplain and serve as a GCC Community Centre for all Ghanaian Catholics.
• Members to donate monthly for item above and for the upkeep of the Chaplaincy.
• Encourage and support the Ghanaian Youth to remain in the Catholic Church by actively pursuing a policy to get them involved in the Church activities
• Set up a project (Light4Vulnerable GCC) to assist the elderly, isolated and vulnerable GCC members.
• Fund charitable causes mainly in Ghana.
Chaplain Services and GCC Activities:
The Chaplain, chair of GCC celebrates masses for thanksgiving, memorial, requiem and special intentions of members. He also celebrates Masses at St Mary Magdalene parish, where he resides and cover for various parishes as/when required.
The Chaplain, Liturgical and Outreach team offer various welfare and counselling services as well as visiting the house bound, the sick and the dying at home and in hospitals. They also offer support to the deceased and to family members of the individuals in police custody/imprisoned. They further visit various Ghanaian groups to tell them about the Chaplaincy, what it stands for, does, how they can support and be involved.