Times of Services over Christmas

Tuesday 24th December

Christmas Eve

Children’s Mass (Pageant) 6.00 pm(S)

Mass at 9.00 pm

Mass at 12.00 midnight(S)

Christmas Carols at 5:30 pm, 8.30 pm and 11.30 pm(S)

Wednesday 25th December

Christmas Day

Masses at 8.00 am, 10.00(S) am, 12.00 noon(S) and 2.00 pm

Thursday 26th December

St. Stephen’s Day

Mass at 12.00 noon(S)

Tuesday 31st December

Mass for the Goan Community 9:30 pm, in Konkani

Note: (S) – Indicates that this mass will be Live Streamed on Both Facebook and YouTube.