In this Section you will find;
- Appeals
- Events
- Financial Resilience & Cost of Living
- General News
- Marriage & Family Life
- Schools
- Studying
- Subscriptions
- Job Vacancies
CAFOD Emergency Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal
CAFOD is responding with support of provision of food, water, shelter, medical assistance and winter kits for survivors. Your donations in recent months have made that quick response possible. Let us join CAFOD in praying for our sisters and brothers affected by the earthquakes and the winter weather. Your support for CAFOD throughout the year allows our Catholic agency to act quickly when disasters strike. For more details visit CAFOD’s Syria Turkey Emergency Appeal online at
Ukraine Appeal
You may also send your donations to CAFOD who have recently launched their appeal. Funds will go directly to Caritas Ukraine and Poland. Click on the link below:
Homes for Ukraine Matching Service
Caritas Social Action Network, in partnership with St. John of God Hospitaller Services, an international Catholic charity with many services for the vulnerable in the UK and Ireland, have launched a service to bring together Ukrainian people displaced by the brutal war in their country with people in the Catholic community willing to host them in their homes for six months. Once the match is confirmed the Ukrainian guest can apply for their visa. We know that coping with the cost of living crisis will be the main concern for many people this winter, but if you have room in your home and in your heart to consider welcoming a stranger displaced by war, then we would love to hear from you. Please visit: for more information.
The paradox of abundance
Over 800 million people go hungry each day. Yet the world produces over 4 billion tonnes of food and we only need 3.7 billion tonnes to feed everyone. From all this food produced, a third is wasted. St John Paul II called this ‘the paradox of abundance.’ Clearly the currently global food system is not working. But as Pope Francis said, “Each of us has a role to play in transforming food systems for the benefit of people and the planet.” Let’s respond to his call! CAFOD’s new campaign is called Fix the Food System. See for more information, including an invitation for parish groups to learn about the impact of our food with our Fix the Food System: a 7-station journey resource.
Society of Friends of Westminster Cathedral
The Friends of Westminster Cathedral are raising funds towards the cost of replacing the sanctuary floodlighting in Westminster Cathedral. The present floodlighting is very old and replacement parts are not available, also it uses a great deal of power generating a huge output of heat. A new system would be easily maintained and save electricity. Please visit for details on how to donate.
The Passage
The Passage, a Catholic charity working with homeless people is raising funds. The Passage would be very grateful for your support. For questions about their work or assistance making a donation please ring 020 7592 1856.
Update on the Conflict in Sudan
Violent conflict continues in Sudan and thousands of people are running out of food, water and medicine. Working as part of the Caritas network, your previous donations to CAFOD are enabling our teams to provide practical help to families who have escaped to neighbouring countries, including South Sudan. Please join Pope Francis in praying for peace in Sudan. Find out more on the CAFOD website:
DEC Afghanistan Crisis Appeal
CAFOD is combining efforts with the DEC to launch the Afghanistan Crisis Appeal. In Afghanistan, 8 million people are on the brink of famine because of drought, collapsing economy, food shortages, conflict, and COVID.
CAFOD is supporting sister Caritas agencies to reach communities most in need with food, clean water, and fuel. During Advent, when we open ourselves to the needs of others, let’s do all that we can to save lives. You can donate on the CAFOD website: and please pray for the people of Afghanistan.
Agency for Overseas Development
Did you know that CAFOD, the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, helps some of the poorest and most marginalised people across the world? We can reach so many people because we are a member of Caritas Internationalis, the Catholic Church network with a presence in 165 countries. Our local experts work with people over the long-term, helping them to have the right skills, tools and opportunities to live with dignity and support their families. For example, in South Sudan we are helping families learn how to farm better as the climate gets hotter, so that they can cope better in the future when things get even more difficult. Find out more Thank you for your support.
Clothes and Toiletry Donations for Homeless
The Companions of the Order of Malta have requested donations for their Help the Homeless donation hub at the Brompton Oratory. Items required include men and women’s clothes and shoes (not children’s clothes), new toiletries, entertainment items e.g. books/crosswords/puzzles/art and craft items. Dropping off times are Tuesday (1.30pm-4pm and 6.30pm-7.30pm by arrangement), Wednesday (2pm-4pm) and Saturday (10am-11am). Please contact Kate MacKenzie at if you would like to deliver donations.
Westminster Cathedral Interfaith Group – Further Dates for your Diary
“Who is my neighbour?” – Discussion of Fratelli tutti
(the encyclical on fraternity and social friendship by Pope Francis)
Third Wednesdays 2 pm to 3.30 pm Hinsley Room, Morpeth Terrace, SW1
Copies of the document available online and from St Paul’s bookshop.
All welcome. Refreshments available (donations welcomed).
Unclaimed Benefits
A new report from think tank Policy in Practice details that as much as £19 BILLION in support is unclaimed EVERY YEAR. And many most in need of help, often having long paid into the system, are missing out. This includes Universal Credit, Pension Credit, Housing/Council Tax Benefit, Free School Meals, Carer’s Allowance, and social tariffs for water and broadband.
Martin Lewis, the Money Saving Expert, has put together a free 10-minute benefits calculator, which can be accessed here:
Cost of Living Hub
Provided by the London Assembly, but relevant to those outside the capital as well, this portal helps people access information, support and advice about claiming benefits, dealing with debt, financial management and mental health support. To explore the hub, please visit
One-stop information for people in Herts
Useful links and resources for people living in Herts
Call 0300 123 4044 to speak to an adviser, email or visit
Surrey Community Helpline
For signposting to the relevant local help and support:
- Community Helpline on 0300 200 1008 which is open Monday to Friday from 9am until 5pm.
- SMS 0786 0053 465 for deaf and hearing-impaired residents only (Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm).
Grants to help pay off energy debts
People who are in debt to their energy supplier might be able to get a grant from a charitable trust to help pay it off.
More details on this link – plus links to several advice providers
National Energy Action
Their Warm and Safe Homes helpline, 0800 304 7159 is open daily, 10am-12pm, to support clients with energy advice around topics such as reducing energy consumption, Warm Home Discount and Priority Services Register, fuel debt, water rates and benefits advice.
Green Doctors London
A charity that offers free and impartial energy advice to help residents stay warm, save money and live greener
Carers Network (Caritas Westminster)
Supports unpaid adult carers who are looking after someone living in the boroughs of Westminster, Hammersmith and Fulham, and Kensington and Chelsea. They offer advice on carers’ rights, carry out carers’ assessments, assist with accessing benefits and mental health support, and signpost relevant services within the wider community. Find out more at their website Carers Network – No one should care alone (
Pauline Bookshop (Our Lady of Victories Parish) Opening Times
Sunday – 8.45 am to 1 pm
Monday to Friday – 9.45 am to 12.30 pm
For more information or to order; call 07561 456 074
New Catholic Students
The University Chaplaincy is appealing to all parishes to point their way parishioners who will be students at any of the London universities and colleges, or University of Hertfordshire, this coming year. Based at Newman House, Gower Street, they also have campus-based chaplains at many of the universities and colleges. For any students other than freshers there is also an opportunity to live in at Newman House, a catered lodging with attractive rates and its own chapel. The application form is available on the Chaplaincy website
A wealth of resources can be found at
- Prayer and care – helping those in need locally, as well as praying for them to know Jesus Christ, or know him more fully.
- Continuous Prayer – join with friends and colleagues to pray continuously over a fixed time, perhaps 12 hours, or if in contact internationally, over 24 hours.
- Pray Together – at regular times, join with others in the parish to pray for evangelisation locally; you may like to use the PentecostNovena.
- Light up the World in Prayer – encourage as many people you know to join you in registering their prayer on the TKC website, and so light up the world map with prayer.
- Explore digital resources – a range of resources to suit everyone is available on the TKC website, including a Prayer Journal, the interactive Family Prayer Adventure Map and Journey with Mary.
Catholic Listeners Telephone Helpline Service
Catholic Listeners is a confidential telephone helpline service, a Diocese of Westminster initiative, for those who are returning to the faith. The helpline is all about listening to others, and to those who might have become isolated during the pandemic. Although not a counselling service, the helpline is staffed by a professional team of volunteers who are trained to signpost callers to other services and agencies. The service aims to help those in need of a safe space to talk. Operating from 4 pm to 7 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays calls are free on 0800 448 0704. For information email:
Stop new abortion threat
Baroness Sugg has tabled an amendment to the Health and Care Bill that would make ‘DIY’ at-home abortion permanent. It is vital that as many Peers as possible oppose this amendment.
Right To Life UK has launched an easy-to-use tool on its website that makes it easy for you to send an email to a randomly-assigned Peer asking them to oppose the amendment. Please visit to contact your MP now. It only takes two minutes.
LBGT+ Catholics Westminster and Quest
LGBT+ Catholics Westminster, the LGBT+ Catholic Chaplaincy of the Diocese of Westminster, and Quest, a national organisation for LBGT+ Catholics, both give pastoral support and points of contact for people with queries about LBGT+ issues and their faith. Email: Tel: 0300 123 1989. Email: In writing: PO Box 24632, London, E9 6XF.n Masses welcoming LGBT+ Catholics, parents, families and friends are held on 2nd & 4th Sundays 5.30 pm at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, 114 Mount Street, Mayfair, W1K 3AH.
Asylum Seekers in Hotels
Caritas Westminster has been informed that asylum seekers have been housed by the Home Office in 35 hotels across London, but have not been linked up with Local Authorities, schools, GPs, and other support to which they are entitled. If you want more information or are aware of a hotel in the area and you wish to support, please contact for a fact sheet.
Amoris Laetitia – The Joy of Love – New reflection document on Marriage and Family Life(MFL). The MFL Committee, chaired by Bishop David Oakley, Lead Bishop for Marriage and Family Life, has produced a document of reflections on the main themes of Amoris Laetitia called ‘The Joy of Love’.
‘Amoris Laetitia should be read in a contemplative way. It’s a text you receive in your heart – an opportunity to contemplate the mystery of love within marriage and family life and to grow a sense of discipleship” Bishop David Oakley
CELEBRATE is a Catholic ministry helping support individuals. Communities and especially families to live an authentic Christian life. On their website they have a new online Family Activity Pack.
If anyone in your parish would like to sign up to the CELEBRATE mailing list to keep up to date with what they are doing for families, you can sign up here: (just scroll down to the bottom of the page).
Alliance of Catholic Marriage Organisations
August 2018 marked the launch of the Alliance of Catholic Marriage Organisations during the World Meeting of Families in Dublin; the coming together of five organisations (Catholic Marriage Care, Marriage Encounter, Retrouvaille, Teams and Two-In-One Flesh) that between them have served the Church in England and Wales for nearly eight decades.
The Alliance draws together different charism and approaches with much to offer couples at every stage of their relationship. And together they form an invaluable and complimentary resource for parish ministry. Almost all their support is available in engaging online and webcam formats as well as face-to-face provision, restrictions permitting.
Their joint resource “Accompanying couples over a lifetime” is available by clicking on the link:
The Alliance website and links on their respective websites help couples find support whatever season they find themselves in.
Retrouvaille: A Programme for Couples Struggling in their Marriages
Help Your Marriage – Do you feel alone?
Are you frustrated or angry with each other?
Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other?
Does talking about it only make it worse?
Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples who have difficulties in their marriage. It brings a positive focus, new hope and helps nourish and grow your marriage. Tens of thousands of couples headed for divorce have successfully saved their marriages by attending and using the tools provided.
The programme helps spouses uncover or re-awaken the love, trust and commitment that originally brought them together. It helps them through difficult times whether they are disillusioned or in deep misery. There is no group therapy or group work.
For confidential information about ‘Retrouvaille’ or to register for the next programme, call or text 07887 296983 or 07973 380443 or email: – or visit
Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS)
The Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS) provides parish leaders with knowledge and understanding of theology and the Catholic faith.
You can learn the course in person, by distance learning or online – details below:
Centres (in person learning)
Life-Light Home Study Courses (distance learning)
01844 351 514
CCRS Online (online learning)
0151 291 3055
01844 351 514
Magnificat Subscriptions
For individual subscriptions to MAGNIFICAT please visit:
Two Year Offers
Magnificat + Companions = £106
Magnificat = £92
One Year
Magnificat + Companions = £55
Magnificat = £47
Universe Catholic Weekly
Is true to its mission of being “a light to guide the world, and a mirror to reflect it” Keeping Catholics informed about their faith, and bringing them ever closer to God. In order to keep our high standard going and maintain a strong weekly Catholic voice at a time when it is much needed in the world, please consider taking out a subscription.
We have an excellent website full of trustworthy articles and an online shop with all subscribers receiving a 10% discount.
Order your Digital 4 weeks FREE introductory offer by calling Michelle on 0743 661 7650 or email:
Please see link below for this week’s Universe Catholic Weekly:
Diocesan Job Vacancies
Please visit for current job vacancies.
Sacred Heart High School – Chaplain Vacancy
Please call the Human Resource Department on 020 8748 7600 for a candidate pack.