Weekend message 8th December

Dear Friends,

           Today is the Feast of St Nicholas of Myra and to mark it why not indulge in some sweet treats? He was a bishop who lived in the third century AD. St Nicholas was known to have a deep understanding of Jesus’ ministry. He knew that Jesus would not preach before he had first attended to some human need: healing ailing bodies or feeding hungry people. St Nicholas was not only interested in the spiritual well-being of people but the whole person. He was full of love and compassion for others and did many good works. No prizes as to who in the secular world he inspired, but I won’t spell it out here just in case!  I wouldn’t want to spoil the magic!

As I mentioned last week, please support the Catholic Children’s Society Gift appeal. The gifts have to be into the CCS quite soon so please bring something this weekend if you can. They ask for presents for children and teenagers who would otherwise receive nothing. There is a basket at the front of the church for your donations. Please give what you can manage—new things please that are unwrapped.

I asked this last week as well, would you help us with the recycling of our old Parish Mass books? If each household took a few, we would be saved several trips to Regis Road. Thank you!

Please remember we are having a Carol Concert here tomorrow afternoon starting at 16h00. It is the choir from St Peter’s Italian church and they will be singing a mixture of Italian and English carols. They have lovely voices so please come and hear them. After the concert Fr Massimo will give a short talk on the work that he and the young adults from St Peter’s do for the organisation Mato Grosso. This might be of interest as something to get involved in particularly for our parishioners aged 20-35.

God bless, 

Monsignor Phelim