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Our Lady of Dolours, pray for us.
St Joseph, pray for us.
Blessed Dominic Barberi, pray for us.
Our Parish takes the issue of Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults very seriously and stringently follows the measures instituted by the Diocese of Westminster. Full details of these measures and policies can be found here:
The Parish Safeguarding Representative is Bertha Alvares –
If you are concerned about the welfare of a child or adult at risk, do not delay in contacting the police, using 999 if a child or adult is believed to be in immediate danger.
If you have a priest relative/friend visiting the Parish, then please note that all visiting and supply priests need to have a Celebret (if ministering in England and Wales) or a Testimonial of Suitability for Ministry if coming from elsewhere. This is a legal requirement if they wish to celebrate or concelebrate Mass or any other service. Priests coming from abroad have to apply in advance to the Vicar General in Westminster so that appropriate checks can be carried out.
Please think about making a donation to support the Parish. Just think what you spend in the various events of your lives and then consider what you give to the Church, i.e. to God. Is it appropriate? Donations can be made at Mass, via our contactless card machine at the back of Church, via our website at or by scanning the QR Code on the notice-board (and below). If you are able to Gift Aid your donations, please do so. This allows us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate from the Government. A simple £10 donation very quickly becomes a £12.50 donation, with no extra cost to you. Thank you.
Details of how to donate to the Parish are here.
Or Scan the QR Code here
Or click the link below