Parish News
Welcome back! We hope you all had a peaceful holiday and we’re glad you’re back and ready for a wonderful and blessed year ahead. For all new parishoners, a hearty welcome. Feel free to introduce yourself to our priests after Mass and if you want to, compelte a New Parishoner Registration form which is in the church porch.
Beginning Of New Term School Mass This Monday at 2:00pm we invite all the parents, family, friends and parishioners to join us at 2pm for the School Mass as we turn to God for inspiration and guidance in this new year. The 10am Mass on Monday will be cancelled and replaced by this 2pm Mass.
New Mass times start next week! Yes, next Sunday, 15th September, we’re trialling our new Mass times. We hope this gives some of you more opportunity to celebrate Mass with an extra evening Mass on Sunday at 6.30pm. The regular Vigil Mass will still be celebrated at Saturday 6pm. Our morning Masses will be on Sunday 10am and 12 noon. For the Blessed Sacrament Church at Copenhagen Street, the new Mass times will be at 9am and the 11am stays. We’ve listened to those that expressed their views and it was tricky to decide but we think, and hope, that most of you will be happier with the result.
Family Mass at St John the Evangelist – restarting on Sunday 15th September With the new school year starting, from September 15th, we will have a Family Mass at 10am on Sundays. We are excited to welcome you back to this cornerstone of our St John community. Please come on September 15th for the Mass. We are looking forward to reconnect with familiar faces and meet new ones after the long summer holiday. We’d like to emphasise that all parishoners are welcome – young, old, with familes or without families. Please join us for coffee afterwards.
Coffee morning To celebrate the new Mass times, the coffee morning is after the 10am Mass next Sunday 15th. Catch up with fellow parishoners and get to know those that you don’t. For all new parishoners, you’re very welcome to join.
Mass intentions and the new Mass times If you’ve already booked a Mass intention for September 15th onwards, please note that for a 9.30am Mass, your intention will be prayed for at the 10am Mass and if you booked an intention for the 11am Mass, this will be prayed for at the 12pm Mass. If this doesn’t suit you then please let us know. Those that have requested an intention for a 6pm Saturday Vigil Mass will still have their intention at the same Mass i.e. 6pm Saturday Mass.
Interested in becoming a Catholic? Then the RCIA course is for you.It’s for adults that are interested in becoming Catholics. Through discernment and prayer, you’ll receive the Sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation (or Confirmation if you’re baptised already). The course will start early October. Email us and arrange to chat with one of the priests and complete a form which you can find on the website: or in the church porch.
First Holy Communion If you have a child that is in year 3 or above then register for First Holy Communion by completing a form here All forms can also be found in the porch. The course will start October/November so there’s plenty of time to register.
The Sunday Club is looking for more volunteers able to commit one Sunday afternoon in seven to serving food and hot drinks to homeless and needy people in St. John’s crypt between 3-5pm. Volunteers work in teams of 4-5 people and share the buying and preparing of sandwiches, fruit and cakes. Sunday Club obtains grants to cover the cost of the food etc. so our volunteers will be reimbursed on the day for what they have spent. More details can be seen in the parish website and please email Molly on
Bookkeeper at the parish? Would you like to help with recording the finances (and more) at this parish? Since Oscar is leaving, we’re looking for a bookkeeper for this paid part time role. Please come and speak to one of the priest’s or email us if you’re interested.
Are you able to give some time for Children’s liturgy? We would love to have a children’s liturgy for the 10am Mass but require the help of parents and others who can help animate this and help children connect to the gospel in a way suitable for them. If this is of interest, please let us know. We cannot do this without your help!
Marriage Course 2024
This course is an opportunity to explore and delve into the depths and riches of Christian marriage, which is both similar to and distinct from any other union. We will discuss living out this vocational calling with Christ at its centre, the beauty and meaning of sex within marriage, communication skills, forgiveness and love, the grace given in sacraments and more.
The course will take place in the crypt of the church at 39 Duncan Terrace, N1 8AL. Entrance is via the side door to the right of the church (the church door nearest 40 Duncan Terrace) .
The dates are as follows:
– THURSDAY, 19 September at 8:15 PM
– FRIDAY, 20 September at 8:15 PM
– FRIDAY, 27 September at 8:15 PM
– FRIDAY, 4 October at 8:15 PM
– FRIDAY, 11 October at 8:15 PM
– FRIDAY, 18 October at 8:15 PM
– SATURDAY, 19 October – this is a retreat day ending with a social.
Newsletters since October 2023 can be accessed from this area of the website.
Are you interested in helping the parish become more vibrant?
Ushers / Coffee / Children’s liturgy / Catechesis / Fundraising / Socials / Readers / Eucharistic Ministers / Offertory Collectors / or anything else which might interest you? Would you like to participate in the life of the parish more? There’s a lot of talent and gifts in the congregation but in order to bring these ideas to life, we need PEOPLE and TEAM WORK! So make that move and complete this volunteer application form.
Contactless Donations
We have two contactless card readers at the back of the church. If you would like to Gift Aid your donation then please follow the instructions on the card reader. Or go to our Donate page.
Raise money by shopping! Use
This is a website where charities can register their cause and raise money just from your shopping at no additional cost to you! Your everyday online shopping, whether it’s Sainsburys and Waitrose, or a bigger John Lewis buy can raise a significant amount of money for the Church. Please do take a look at . It’s very simple to use – if you need help, please email us at The page can be accessed via the QR code too. If you’re able to gift aid your donations, it would make a big difference. Do speak to us if you need help!
Church opening time
The church is open from 9am for private prayer till around 6pm most days and on Saturdays, it will close after the 6pm Vigil Mass.
Parish office opening times
The parish office is open on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10.30am to 3.30pm. Emails and phone messages will still be checked outside these hours but it may take us a little longer to get back to you. Our email is and telephone 020 7226 3277.