First Holy Communion

For First Holy Communion registration, please complete the form which you can print out from the link at the bottom of this page or collect a paper copy from the church porch. Please return it to us by Friday October 11th. The classes start Sunday October 13th straight after the 10am Family Mass. Each session is about an hour and parents are expected to come along to the first one and to some of the other classes too, the dates of which will be clarified. The classes are in the church crypt, under the church. We ask for a donation of £40 to cover our costs please.

At your child’s baptism you promised to bring them up in the practice of the faith.  Through a series of sessions, we will help you prepare your children for the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation.

We welcome all children but there are some guidelines which parents need to consider:

  • Children must be 7 years old by 31 August 2024 (year 3 or above) 
  • Live within the parish of St John’s. If you don’t, you’re still welcome but you will need to obtain a letter of permission from your parish priest giving permission for your child to receive the Sacrament at St John’s and confirm that you attend Mass regularly.

First Holy Communion Date

The First Holy Communion Mass will be part of the Sunday Mass so that other families and worshippers can witness and celebrate this wonderful event. The Sunday Mass where the First Holy Communion will be celebrated will either be the 10am or 12pm Mass. The exact dates are to be decided but it will be near the beginning of May 2025.

Registration Form

Please complete this form and return it to us by Friday October 11th. You can either return it to us through the letter box at 39 Duncan Terrace, email it back to or hand it in to one of the priests. Thank you.