Mass of Commemoration – Wed. 2nd Nov – 7.30pm

2nd November 2016 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

During the month of November, the Church prays especially for the souls of those who have gone before us in faith. The month begins with a special Mass of the dead in which we remember all those that have died in the parish since November last year. Here at All Saints, this Mass of Commemoration will be on Wednesday 2nd November at 7.30pm. Throughout the month, the Book of the Names of the Dead will be displayed – containing names of those who have died. This book has its origins in the ancient necrologies (list of the dead) kept in many monasteries and other religious houses. This practice of having a parish book of the dead – a parish necrology – is a powerful expression of our Christian faith regarding death. Recall the practice in which a saint’s feast day is determined by the date of his/her death – their Dies Natalis or ‘day of birth’ – the day they are born into the new eternal life of the kingdom of heaven. Our faith proclaims that death is nothing of which to be afraid. It is nothing of which to be afraid because our Master has gone before us and, we proclaim, has conquered death. Rather than fearing death, we proclaim that it is our entrance into the great, eternal banquet feast of the Lamb. The book of the Names of the Dead will be on display by the Baptism font during November.

You are invited to write the names of your deceased families and friends on the blank sheets provided at the back of the church. Please place this sheet in the envelope provided and return it the following week in the offertory basket. These sheets will be collated to form the book – please take time to read the book and pray for those names listed there.


All Saints RC Church