Welcome to the webpages of the Roman Catholic Church of SS Peter and Paul, Northfields. Here you will find information about us including Mass times and Parish contacts.
If you are new to the parish, please contact the parish office or download the Parish Registration Form.
Our postal address is 38 Camborne Avenue W13 9QZ. You will find us off Northfield Avenue, a quarter of a mile north of Northfields station.
You can contact us on 020 8567 5421.
Our email address is northfields@rcdow.org.uk See newsletter for all other Mass times.
Mass Times
8.30am, 10am, 11.30am and 6pm
9.30am on Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
6.00pm Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday.
Mass times may change due to a funeral taking place.
Mass intentions: Please call the office or email your intention.
In an emergency or if you need help, please contact the parish office on 0208 567 5421 or email on northfields@rcdow.org.uk
Please check the website or our Facebook page for updates.
or https://fb.me\38camborneavenue
Stay Safe, best wishes and prayers,
Fr Jim, Deacon Andrew, Anna and Rosa.