
The Parish belongs to the community, i.e. the people that come to church here and participate in the activities and programs, whether they live nearby or come from a far. A sense of ownership and identity with the community is what makes the volunteer. Without our community volunteers there would be no community life because there would be no genuine spirit of service. We must always be grateful to our community volunteers.

We are all called to serve each other and participate actively in a Christian community, it is an integral part of our Christian vocation.  And when we serve we should do so freely, i.e. without expecting anything in return.  Some people may be volunteers in a charity or organization that has nothing to do with the parish and that’s fine. A mother with young children may have no time for anything else and that’s fine too. Also, there are times in life when commitments, responsibilities or even ill health hinder us from giving our time as volunteers to anything, other than our family, and that’s also fine. But generally, in life, as followers of Jesus we should always have someone we’re serving freely.

Within our parish community there are many opportunities to serve as a volunteer; cleaners, gardeners, flower arrangers’, catechists, IT, money counters, church greeters, sacristans, altar servers, Eucharistic ministers, readers, handy men/women, musicians and singers, administrative work, or as a participant/member in one of our parish groups or committees. Someone may have a particular skill of trade that they may wish to offer to the community.

If you have a particular skill and think you could help in some way, or if you would like to volunteer generally please send an email or to the parish office or speak to the Parish Priest.