24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, 11th September 2022

The two parables (Luke 15.1-10) are complementary in that the seeker is male in the first parable and female in the second.

Both are wonderfully portrayed as well-rounded persons, however, no stereotyping here. The shepherd is very tender, the woman is efficient and business-like. Both parables stress that the joy is not private but poured out and shared with the whole community.

The second reading today (1 Timothy 1.12-17) is about any one of us being aware of our failings within us. Listen to it again . . . you should notice that in the reading, the man Timothy, finds himself ‘found’ and praises Christ for it. Then he wants to share the love of Christ. So, he wants to share in community.

The well-known poem ‘Footprints’ is as follows. A man dreams that as he walks through life, there are two sets of footprints behind him – except at those times when he feels lost. He questions the Lord who replies, ‘During your times of trial there is only one set of footprints because at those times I carried you.’ Have we the courage to carry others in Christ’s name or indeed, allow ourselves to be carried? During Covid times we were open to others and, I feel, we still are. Each one of us is very precious in the heart of the Lord our God – Father/ Son/ Holy Spirit.

Rejoice in the Lord!

With love and prayers Fr Michael