4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B, 28th January 2024

Today we have a glut of words from public figures but there is a depressing predictability about what they have to say. How few speak with real authority. Their statements of policy may be obeyed, but nobody seriously regards them as having authority. If many public figures lack truth, then it feels as if the speaker does not believe their own words and theme. If they do not know what they are talking about how can the listeners have trust?

Christ spent much time speaking and acting – often healing. The difference is that he believed in what he said and why he said what he was bringing and gifting to all people who would stop and listen.

What Christ spoke about was how to live a life centered on the promise of Father God. Christ lived the life – Christ was indeed the actual message. He healed and guided people into the way of life that Christ knew and lived, namely being at one with oneself and other people and open to the power of God’s love for each person while being in community – as is the Holy Trinity.

What people saw Christ doing was fresh and open.

His actions echoed his words.

I will listen this week.

with love and prayers Fr Michael