In the yard at the back of my home is a strange garden. There are no flowers or plants of any sort only grass! It is lovely grass and there are lots of growing things that gardeners call weeds. I am happy with it all. To bring some colour and brightness I have painted the paving stones in yellow, red, brown and blue. I love it and it is peaceful for me.

There are two big stones that are precious for me. When I see and touch them my mind and soul are opened beyond the little yard into an unlimited space. The space is in fact my family opened to all that we are.

On this day, Good Shepherd Sunday, I spend time looking and holding the two big stones. Why? Well one stone is from the ‘hearth stone’ from a demolished little cottage in Galway in Ireland. Many years and generations have passed that brought my dad into the world. The other stone is from the wall built around the farm my dad lived and worked in. He was a happy and content person.

Well, he was until he met my mum from Lancashire in England! Life goes on and all things change. The stones remind me of all that my father gave up regarding his love of being a farmer in Ireland.

The joy and wonder and pain and love of my parents bringing six children into the world. Dad never stopped being a farmer at heart and he became an amazing shepherd of his family. His life was as a gentle, quietly holy man. He loved and supported mum in all that she needed.

Then the next generation came along and he continued to be a quiet font of love and advice as a grandfather shepherd.

There was something in him that led me into a devotion to Saint Joseph for which I thank him.

On this Good Shepherd Sunday, I pray that each one of us finds some knowledge of the presence of Christ the Shepherd in our lives.

From the Psalm: Think of the love that the father has lavished on us as his children.

with love and prayers, Fr Michael