The salt identity is for the benefit of the world/ earth. Our lives are a mission to bring zest and meaning to the earth. What is wasteful is to lose this ultimate purpose and passion, to forget this high calling and be reduced to a shrivelled identity. This can happen, but we can be ‘salt to the earth’ when we listen to Jesus.

The deeper identity of people is now fully revealed. We are salt and light because God, whose children we are, is committed to making the earth and the world something new. When we become who we are, we also become transparent to the one who makes us who we are. Glorifying the heavenly Father is the recognition of this truth.

Theilhard de Chardin, mystique and scientist, was afraid people would lose their zest and passion for the development of the world. So he tried to uncover this zest and passion as the deep desire of their hearts. He wrote that the “only worthwhile joy is that of cooperating as one individual atom in the final establishment of a world”. When his friends said they did not feel this drive in them, he said to them, “You are not searching to the full depth of your heart and mind. And that, moreover, is why the cosmic sense and faith in the world is dormant in you”. Jesus’ words that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world are meant to awaken our cosmic sense and our faith in the world. The awakened sense unfolds into experiments on every level.

We need to pass the salt around and find where it is needed for ourselves and for others

May God bless us – with love and prayers Fr Michael