Please check the Calendar on the homepage for any changes to our regular scheduled Mass times.
Our Lady Help of Christians, Rickmansworth

Sunday 8.30am, 11am and 6pm.
Monday – Saturday 9.30am
Holy Days of Obligation 9.30am & 7pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions
Sunday 5-5.40pm.
After weekday Mass Monday – Friday in the Lady Chapel.
All services from Our Lady’s are live-streamed for those who are sick or housebound.
St John Fisher, Chorleywood

Sunday 9am
Tuesday 9.30am (as advised in the newsletter)
Holy Days of Obligation 6pm Vigil (the day before the Solemnity)
Confessions on request
St John the Evangelist, Mill End

Sunday Vigil Mass 6pm on Saturdays
Sunday 10.30am with Children’s Liturgy (term time)
Wednesday 9.30am (as advised in the newsletter)
Holy Days of Obligation 11am (usually with St John’s School in attendance)
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions
Saturday 5-5.40pm.
Rosary for our families
Wednesday 9am