
Welcoming  Group

Co-ordinated by Jane Redman

We aim to ensure that hospitality is extended within the Parish Community, especially to those who have recently moved into the area or who are visiting us, perhaps for the first time.

An important way of doing this is to ensure that all members of the congregation are made welcome at our Sunday Celebrations. We greet you, hand out the bulleting and hymnals, arrange the offertory collection, select people to bring the Offertory Gifts, tidy up afterwards and help with any other duties required.

We always need more Welcomers, so should you wish to join us please do contact us.

Readers group

readingCo-ordinated by Dee Barker

The Reader is a proclaimer. This is a very important Ministry where good preparation is essential for understanding the text and being able to give the correct interpretation.

At Our Lady Help of Christians there has been a reader at each of the weekend Masses for several years. There are currently twenty five readers, some of whom have been on the rota for over fifteen years. Readers choose which Mass they wish to attend and the rota is published three times a year well in advance, so there is ample notification. The weekday Masses are covered by a separate rota, giving plenty of opportunity to help with this Ministry to the parish.

A Christmas time and at the Easter Triduum more than one person will read at each service with as many as possible taking part in the reading of The Passion of Our Lord on Good Friday afternoon.

Ministers of Communion Group

Co-ordinated by Richard and Angela Dumughn

eucaristicFor over forty years now, since the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church laity have been encouraged to participate more actively in the life of the Church. The Council’s Decree on the Laity spoke of two ways this lay participation can be carried out. Firstly, by spreading the Gospel message in every area of life and secondly, where the need arises, by participating in the liturgical ministry of the Church. It is now commonplace to see lay people assisting the priest by acting as ‘Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion’.

These ministers assist our priests in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass on Sundays and Holy days and when necessary at weddings, funerals and weekday Masses. They help the priest so that the celebration of the Mass may not be unduly prolonged. In addition they make it possible for communicants to receive both the body and blood of Christ at many masses. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion receive ongoing spiritual, theological, and practical preparation to fulfil their role with knowledge, reverence and love.

In addition to helping at Mass, some ministers each week bring Holy Communion to those who are not able to attend Mass. There is a long and growing list of home communicants and it would be impossible for our priests to visit all of them each week. This can be a challenging but very rewarding experience for ministers in reaching out to the elderly, sick and lonely with the healing presence of the Eucharist. It lets them know that they are still part of a loving community which wants to include them in the life of the parish.

To be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, a candidate must be a fully initiated Roman Catholic, meaning that the candidate must be baptised and have received the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmation as well as the recommendation of the parish priest. If you feel you would like to help by joining this ministry, do not be put off by the fact that you feel unworthy ­as none of us are worthy. New ministers are always needed and interested parishioners should speak with the Parish Priest.

Youth Ministry Leadership Team (YMLT)

The YMLT exists for young people, to help them experience the unconditional love of God, through an encounter and relationship with Jesus Christ, and filled with his Holy Spirit. The members of the YMLT are: Margaret Simon, Belinda Calen, Toni D’Urso and Yasmin Lakin. The YMLT aim to raise up, equip, and support leaders to help young people experience and share God’s love.

Sacristans Group

Co-ordinated by Margaret Burke

Children’s Liturgy

We are in need of more helpers to build on our small Children’s Liturgy Team. If you would like to help by either leading or helping with Children’s Liturgy please contact the parish office for more information.

Altar Servers

Co-ordinated by Fr Andrew Gallagher

Church Cleaning Group

Cleaning group co-ordinated by Cristina MacGillivray


Run by Annie Kent