Please click on the links below for information from the Parish, the Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales, the NHS and others with safeguarding advice and guidelines on how, during the current pandemic, we are able to safely practice our faith.
Guidance from the Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales
Guidance for Churches (24th January 2022)
Guidance for Churches (9th December 2021)
Honouring Sunday (18th November 2021)
COVID-19 Route Map – Step 4 Guidance (15th July 2021)
COVID-19 Route Map – Step 3 Guidance (15th May 2021)
Vade Mecum for Holy Week 2021 (28th February 2021)
The COVID Roadmap, Spring 2021 (24th February 2021)
Letter from Bishop John Sherrington (8th January 2021)
National Lockdown Guidance Table (6th January 2021)
NHS Guidance (Tier 4) – Including Places of Worship (19th December 2020)
Tier Guidance (3 Tiers) – Places of Worship (24th November 2020)
Covid-19 Guidance (November 2020)
Guidance for the Celebration of Mass (21st July 2020)
Guidance for RCIA (21st July 2020)
Guidance for the Celebration of Mass (7th July 2020)
Guidance for the Celebration of Baptism (4th July 2020)
Guidance for Marriage (6th July 2020)
Guidance for Concelebration at Mass with a Congregation (5th July 2020)
Guidance from the Parish
Guidance on Coming to Mass at St. George’s (June 2020)
Letter to Parishioners (June 2020)
Letter to Volunteers (June 2020)
Guidance for Stewards & Cleaners (June 2020)
Guidance on Perfect Contrition & Spiritual Communion
For all the latest advice from the Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales please click on this link
Guidance from Cardinal Vincent Nichols
For the latest advice from Cardinal Vincent Nichols please click on this link
Guidance from the Pope (Vatican)
For the latest advice from Pope Francis please click on this link
Guidance from the NHS
Check the Government’s advice relating to Coronavirus on the NHS website.