Easter greeting from Fr David

Jesus Christ is risen, He is truly risen, Alleluia!

Dear brothers and sisters,
At this time of Easter, we rejoice with the whole Church and the world echoing the Good News of the Resurrection of Christ from death. This is our hope and strength at this time, when we are experiencing a lot pain and grief because of the current situation caused by the pandemic. As Pope Francis said in his Easter message, the Resurrection of Christ is not a “magic formula” but ”it is the victory of love over the root of evil, a victory that does not “by-pass” suffering and death, but passes through them, opening a path in the abyss, transforming evil into good: this is the unique hallmark of the power of God.”
We Christians, we look at the current reality with the eyes of faith, we can recognise God’s action turning evil situations into goodness. We are seeing and experiencing how people are turning back to God and to each other. The painful situations of many are uniting peo-ple to join hearts and hands to save lives in every way by giving time, consolation, prayer, food, care, staying at home and many other ways. We are witnessing that the risen Lord is acting in mysterious ways by bringing out great goodness out of the current dark situa-tions of sickness and death.
My prayers and thoughts are at this time with the families who are grieving for the be-loved ones who they have lost during these weeks of self-isolation, may the Risen Lord bring strength and consolation to all of you and may the Lord shine his face on our broth-ers and sisters who have made their Passover from this world to the Father. My heart goes to all the families who are struggling in this trying time with sickness, insecurity at work, poverty, anxiety and fear to go out to work and to do any other activity. May the Lord protect you and keep you safe in all you do.
I would like to thank you all, for your prayers, your continued material and spiritual sup-port to our parish community. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all of you who are working in hospitals, schools, shops, social care, carers, police, drivers, volunteering, cooking, calling people in isolation, to all of you who are praying with us and for us through our live streaming Mass and prayers. May Christ who rose from death pour his blessings on all us and keep us safe.
Our parish team Elisabete, Marcelle and I, wish you all a Happy Easter and we pray that the Lord may allow us to be together again soon and rejoice celebrating the Sacraments with the whole community at our Church and School.

Yours sincerely

Here at St Francis de Sales, our community is willing to support you in any way we can. Please do not hesitate to contact us on the Parish phone number 020 88083554 or our email address tottenham@rcdow.org.uk
Please let us know if you would like us to contact through your email address or phone.