St Pauls Parish Newsletter 9th February 2025


None of us is worthy of the call of God.  Worthiness has little to do with whom God calls into service or how God intends to reveal the kingdom to the world through them.  Certainly, throughout the Scriptures, Peter reveals, again and again, how clumsy he was with the invitation of God and how imperfect a choice he was for doing great things.  Yes, that did not prevent Jesus from calling him into radical service and leadership, nor did it ultimately inhibit miracles from happening for Peter’s benefit and edification.

What is a significant factor in receiving the call of God is willingness.  This willingness is one that allows us to set out into the deep in our relationship with God and be transformed from that depth.  Certainly, we respond with Peter’s hesitancy.  Like Peter, we may be incredulous at the call.  At times, we may experience the call of God as daunting in its consequences. Peter’s life radically changed when he let Jesus into his own boat to catch that startling load of fish.  His awareness of his own inadequacy made him want to push Jesus away and refute the call.  However, something deep within him was stirred by this encounter with Christ and he willingly consented to follow Jesus.

The call involves a willingness to risk.  It requires an openness to being surprised by God.  In saying ‘yes’ to that invitation, Peter embraced a life that was beyond his wildest dreams.  He experienced a relationship of intimacy with Jesus that would definitively shift his priorities and his lifestyle.

Like Peter, we risk realizing our own greatness when we say ‘yes’ to God in Christ.  We enter into a partnership, a discipleship, when we consent to God’s invitation.  Are we willing?


Monday 10th February                      St Scholastica                                

Friday 14th February                        Sts Cyril & Methodius

Tuesday 11th February                     Our Lady of Lourdes (World Day of Prayer for the Sick)


Sunday 9th  Feb                 Refreshments after 10am Mass 11:30am – 1:30pm   Family Mass Choir W/Shop

Monday 10th Feb                  7:30pm      SVP

Tuesday 11th Feb                 Refreshments after 9:30am Mass + Church Cleaning

Wednesday 12th February   12:30pm   Welcome Space

Friday 14th February            10am ASCENT Group     18:30 Youth Alpha

Sunday 16th Feb         Refreshments after 10am Mass   

St Pauls Choir – Easter Play –

Join us in auditioning for the St Paul’s Easter Play call ‘Born for This’