Fourth Sunday of Easter

Dear Friends, today we pray for vocations to the Priesthood and we take up the annual collection for the training of our future priests. Please be generous to this important fund! While we have 13 men in formation for priesthood in our Diocese, at a cost of 25K a year per student, this is not enough to replace the many priests who will be retiring in the coming years. Let’s encourage those we know who show an interest in the priesthood to pursue what may well be their vocation in life. I am always happy to have an initial chat with anyone thinking about the priestly life. May the Lord raise up shepherds after his own heart to lead us into the future!

Yellow Lines: I am dismayed that, without notice or consultation, the single yellow line outside the church has been replaced by double yellow lines. This means that no one can park outside the church at any time. The impact of this is great – our less mobile and elderly Mass goers will have to find alternative parking, hearses cannot stop at the doors, brides will have to walk down the street, our foodbank collectors cannot pick up your food donations from the door, etc. Thankfully, you can still park on the other side of the road at certain times. I have emailed our local councillors to investigate, but please be ready to demand an explanation from whoever made this decision. If you know anyone on the council get them to sort it out for us!

May Our Lady & St George pray for us this week.

Foodbank: This week’s much needed items are: dried pulses , tea , sanitary towels , soap , empty egg boxes for 12 eggs in particular. Thank you

Sunday School is back this Sunday 21st April

Priest Training Fund This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday and our second collection will support the Priest Training Fund. Please also pray for vocations and for all our priests. Kindly put your donation or gift aid envelope (if you pay tax) in the second collection. Thank you

Tuesday is the feast of St George, Martyr, England’s patron saint. On this day, we pray specially for England. As we commend our country into God’s loving care, let us pray that we will be guarded and protected from evil. May St George keep us from harm, and may God bless you this day.

Offertory Envelopes for 2024 Thank you to all who collected their box. If yours was not there, please email( or telephone(0208 455 1300 ) the parish office during office hours: Thank you to all who generously support our parish!

Introduction to Christian Meditation Churches Together in Golders Green offer and invite you to a new opportunity to learn and pray together. For more information, please see the poster in the porch and/or contact Julia Mann: