Harrow Food Bank Collection

The Harrow Food Bank Collection is next weekend 4/5 May.

Thank you for your continued support for the foodbank with the last two collections both donating over 100kg of food.

The following items are required this time:

long life skimmed & whole milk;

long life fruit juice;


tinned ravioli/Bolognese;

tinned spaghetti & sausages;

chopped pork & ham;

sponge pudding microwaveable;

tinned fruit;

tinned mixed vegetable;

cooking oil;

tinned beef, meat meals;

tinned chicken meals;

tinned meat/corned beef

tinned vegetarian & vegan meals

packet meat soup

tinned fish (not tuna);

tinned meatballs

tinned/jarred hot dogs,

tinned carrots;

tinned peas,

tinned potatoes;

packet mashed potato,

tinned Irish stew/tinned lamb meals;

tinned macaroni cheese;

savoury biscuits,


tinned custard;

coffee (small jars),

baby toiletries;

baby nappies (size 4,5,6 & 7)


shaving foam/shaving gel;

men’s & women’s razors;

adult toothbrushes;

adult toothpaste;

toilet roll;

washing powder;

washing up liquid;

men’s & women’s deodorant;

cleaning products.