View from the Presbytery 1 November

ST JOSEPH’S JOURNAL Volume 52   No: 40




Parish Priest:  Canon Terence Phipps            Tel:  01992 582109

DATE: 1 November 2020                                                                                                                                                                                   


The page numbers for the prayers for this Sunday’s Mass are at the front of The Parish Mass Book.  Please note that there is a Loop system in the Church.




It was great to be able to celebrate the First Holy Communion Masses last weekend, and I am delighted to say that they went very well. The children, of course, looked marvellous, but they also read well and performed all the other jobs with great care and devotion. I would like to thank Mrs Walker and Mrs Pearson, the Communion catechists for all their great work and I would also like to thank the parents for all the support they gave to the children over the past year. We didn’t have the usual crowds in the church this year but given all the circumstances, they were lovely celebrations. Photographs are on the chest at the back of the church. Please place your orders by using the envelopes and put the money in the envelope and post it through the presbytery letterbox. Many thanks.

This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints, a Feast when we remember all those who have gone before us and left us an example of how we should behave. And then on Monday we celebrate All Souls when we remember the dead who need our prayers. As usual, we shall have the blessing of he graves at 11.00am on Monday morning. This year we shall have to observe social distancing and we may be a smaller group than usual, because of the Covid restrictions, but we shall certainly pray for those we need to remember.

The following weekend we have Remembrance Sunday. The 10.30 Mass will be for the fallen in battle and after Mass we shall have prayers in the garden and hear the Last Post and Reveille. The town celebrations are lower key this year, for obvious reasons, but we shall have the prayers here at St Joseph’s.

Next weekend also we have a retiring collection for the Sick and Retired Priests’ Fund. There are some envelopes on the table in the cloister for anyone who wishes to use them and there is a QR code on the envelopes and on the posters, which would allow you to donate online. It’s a very important collection, since there are many elderly priests to look after, so do give what you can.

We are beginning to get close to the maximum number of people in a congregation at some weekend Masses, so cold I ask you book online or phone the Parish Secretary to book a place. The booking is done on the parish website (address above) and when you are on the first page you will see some options on the to left hand corner of the page. Click on Events and the Masses we have will be shown. It is then pretty easy to book. I’m sorry for all this extra hassle, but we have to be able to keep the social distancing.

To prepare for my hospital procedure on 23 November I shall have to be careful to keep my distance from 9-19 November. I shall still say Mass, but will not be able to do anything that involves contact. Then we shall have Communion Services on Friday 20 and Monday 23 and we managed to find priests for Mass that weekend. It’s all go here, so keep smiling and safe!

God Bless  –  Fr Terry



POPE’S INTENTION NOVEMBER: Artificial Intelligence:
We pray that the progress of robotics and artificial intelligence may always serve humankind.


NHS APP FOR TRACK & TRACE: Places of worship and halls are now expected to display a QR code which people can use to ‘check in’ and which will be used by Test & Trace. Please scan the QR code when you arrive, using the NHS COVID-19 app. If you do not have a smart phone please do not worry, we will continue to ask for your name and contact details. Consent is required for your details to be taken and recorded, however, registration in this way is not mandatory. It is to assist the tracking of people to prevent the spread of the virus.             Posters with the QR code can be found on the notice boards and in the hall.



Westminster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustee Hertford as the account name.

Account number 21263242

Sort code: 40-05-20


Many parishioners are now using Standing Order to donate their weekly/monthly offerings THANK YOU! If you would like to do the same, the forms are available on the website to download.

IF YOU WRITE A CHEQUE TO THE PARISH please can you make payable to WRCDT Hertford. Thank you.



CHRISTMAS STALLS: There will be a stall selling advent calendars, advent candles and other Christmas items after all Masses on the weekends of 31 October and 1 November, 14 & 15 November and 28 & 29 November. They will be held in the large room of the church hall.


ALL SOULS CAFOD MEMORIAL MASS ONLINE MONDAY 2 NOVEMBER, 6PM-7PM This year’s CAFOD Memorial Mass for deceased supporters can be joined online on Monday 2nd November at 6pm. Mass will be celebrated by CAFOD’s Chair of Trustees, Bishop John Arnold, with music, readings and prayers from CAFOD staff and supporters from around the world. Register at  


BOOKING YOUR PLACE AT MASS: Please book your place in advance and arrive in plenty of time so that you can sanitise your hands and be seated by our Stewards. If you have not booked, then unfortunately you will not be guaranteed a place. Please inform the Parish Office if you are unable to attend Mass after you have booked a seat, so that the space can be offered to another Parishioner.



Philomena Carey, Mary Deighton.

May they rest in eternal peace.



Mass Intentions


10.00am: Private Intention

6.00pm: People of the Parish  


Sunday: Feast of All Saints

10.30am: Pamela Simmons (RIP)

6.00pm:  Holy Souls


Monday: All Souls’ Day

10.00am: Holy Souls



10.00am: Shelagh Stacey (RIP)


Wednesday: St Borromeo

10.00am: Alan, Eve & Carol (RIP)



7.30am: Holy Souls



10.00am: Christy Tarrant (RIP)



10.00am: Dorothy Anderson (RIP)

6.00pm:  Mary Jiggins (RIP)