View from the Presbytery 14 February

ST JOSEPH’S JOURNAL Volume 53   No: 6




Parish Priest:  Canon Terence Phipps            Tel:  01992 582109

DATE: 14 February 2021                                                                                                                                                                       


The page numbers for the prayers for this Sunday’s Mass are at the front of The Parish Mass Book.  Please note that there is a Loop system in the Church.




Time marches on, despite all our problems, and this coming Wednesday – Ash Wednesday – marks the beginning of Lent. It is nearly a year since we had to introduce our special measures to cope with the pandemic, and there is no end in sight yet. Perhaps we may hear something soon, but in the meantime we need to persevere with what we are doing and continue to hope for improvement soon. As I mentioned last week, there is a Pastoral Letter from Cardinal Nichols which will be read at all masses this weekend. In that letter, the Cardinal reminds us that there should not be extra Masses celebrated and people should remain at home if they are in any way vulnerable. Consequently, there will be just one Mass on Ash Wednesday at 10.00am. We can’t do the imposition of ashes in the normal way, since this would involve the priest touching people’s foreheads (and thus having to sanitise his thumb after each touch) and I mentioned another method last week. However, after talking with other priests in the Deanery, I think it is best not to impose the ashes at all this year and just take a moment of silence to make our own penitential prayer. In this way we would not compromise the efforts we are making to preserve social distancing. I hope that is OK.

However, the Cardinal does make another suggestion in the Pastoral Letter, which could be very helpful. He suggests that we might have Ash Wednesday celebrations at home and gives an order of service in his Pastoral Letter. This letter will be uploaded on the parish website this weekend and there will also be hard copies in the cloister for people to take. This will be quite an innovation, but it seems to be a very good thing to try in these uncertain times.

There should be envelopes available this weekend for the Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal. These can be posted through the presbytery letter box or you can use the wooden box on the chest at the back of the church, or the QR code on the poster on the notice board. The money raised will be used for various initiatives around the diocese and also the provision of help for the many families who do not have enough food at the moment. There is much to do!

This Sunday at the 10.30 Mass a young parishioner, Milo McPhee, will make his First Holy Communion. Milo was unable to make his First Communion with the other children in October, but like them he had worked hard to prepare for the sacrament. Please pray for him and ask the Lord to keep him close to the Church and faithful to the sacraments. Congratulations, Milo!

Vaccinations proceed apace and many people have told me that they have received their first jab. Let’s pray that it works well and that the infection may be brought under control. As ever, let me say: Keep safe; keep happy; keep going!

God Bless – Fr Terry



Violence Against Women
We pray for women who are victims of violence, that they may be protected by society and have their sufferings considered and heeded.



Westminster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustee Hertford as the account name.

Account number 21263242

Sort code: 40-05-20

If you would like to use STANDING ORDER to donate your weekly/monthly offering, the forms are available on the website to download.

IF YOU WRITE A CHEQUE TO THE PARISH please can you make payable to WRCDT Hertford. Thank you.


THE ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: Vinnie Packs contain essential items i.e. thermal hat, gloves & socks.  The contents of each Vinnie Pack cost around £3.50 and donations to sponsor packs would be most welcome. Donations can be transferred to SVP Vinnie Packs, a/c 46088237 sort code 60-60-04 or cheques made out to SVP can be sent to Vinnie Packs, PO Box 72264, London, SW1P 9EZ

DAILY WALK? SOMETHING POSITIVE THIS LENT. Could you walk 10000 Steps either on one day or everyday this Lent?  The walk could be a sign of your solidarity with all those who do not have access to a safe water source and who have to walk for water each day. Find out more or sign up online at and go the distance this Lent and help to end water poverty.


FOOD BANK: We are in desperate need of food for the foodbank. Items can be dropped off at the church hall with Mrs. Sue Walker any weekday morning. Don’t forget that foodbanks also accept essential non-food items such as toiletries and hygiene products, helping people in crisis to maintain dignity.


YOU CAN HELP YOUR MARRIAGE. Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry at each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. There is no group therapy or group work. The programme has helped tens of thousands of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. The next ‘virtual weekend retreat’ takes place 25th–28th February. For confidential information about Retrouvaille, or to register for the next programme, call 07887-296983 or 07973- 380443, or e-mail or visit





6.00pm: Edward & Delia McKenna (Ints)

Sunday: 6th Sunday of the Year

10.30am: George Robert Emmett (RIP)

6.00pm: Michael & Wendy Walshe (Ints)



10.00am: Hikmat Chadirchi (Ints)


10.00am: Private Intention

Wednesday: Ash Wednesday

10.00am: John McKenna (RIP Anni)


7.30am: Brenda Curtis (RIP)


10.00am: Tony Pollard (RIP)


10.00am: Rachael Henderson (RIP)

6.00pm: Mary & Kathleen Sullivan (RIP Anni)




Fr Patrick O’Donaghue

May they rest in eternal peace.