View from the Presbytery 18 October

ST JOSEPH’S JOURNAL Volume 52   No: 38




Parish Priest:  Canon Terence Phipps           Tel:  01992 582109

DATE: 18 October 2020                                                                                                                                                   


The page numbers for the prayers for this Sunday’s Mass are at the front of The Parish Mass Book.  Please note that there is a Loop system in the Church.




First of all, thank you very much for your contributions to the collection for Peter’s Pence two weeks ago and for Cafod last weekend. The total raised for Peter’s Pence was £351.41 and I shall give the total raised for Cafod next week once it has been counted. There are still Cafod envelopes on the table in the cloister if anyone wishes to contribute. You can post the envelope through the presbytery letter box. Every charitable organisation is having financial problems at the moment during the virus crisis, including the Church, but it is also true that many individuals and families locally are also severely stretched. As a consequence, the Food Bank is under some pressure and would welcome any donations you can make. These can be left in the hall when it is open or at the presbytery. We shall then see that the food reaches the people who need it. There is also a need for children’s clothes in particular. These too can be brought to the hall and given to Mrs Walker, who will see to their proper distribution. Thank you.

I would also like to thank those who have volunteered to help with the various tasks I have been mentioning over the last few weeks. We now have had offers from people to help with safeguarding, the Finance Committee and the Red Missio Boxes. People have been very generous and kind and I am most grateful for their assistance.

I was at a Deanery Meeting last Tuesday and one of the main topics of discussion was what to do for the Christmas Masses. Our system of online booking has worked pretty well up to now, but we are getting close to the maximum number at certain masses and when I think of the huge numbers we get over the five Masses at Christmas, I begin to worry that many people will be turned away disappointed. I haven’t got an answer yet, but I just flag up the problem to highlight the possible difficulties. Another problem, of course, is the lack of singing and I really don’t know what to do about that. The idea of Christmas without carol singing is very strange, but we shall have to make the best of it. We have to overcome this virus somehow with our concerted efforts.

Our only wedding of the year takes place this weekend, with the permitted 15 guests. Please pray for the couple as they begin their married life together. All our other weddings have been postponed until next year, although there is no certainty about anything at the moment. We are beginning to do baptisms again, although they too have restricted numbers, as do funerals. There are still a number of Requiem Masses to arrange in memory of people who have died this year, but who couldn’t have a proper church funeral, so there will be much to keep us occupied. We are living through an extraordinary time. Let us take care of ourselves, our families and our neighbours and keep up the prayers for all who are suffering in any way.

God Bless – Fr Terry




The Laity’s Mission in the Church
We pray that by the virtue of baptism, the laity, especially women, may participate more in areas of responsibility in the Church.

NHS APP FOR TRACK & TRACE: Places of worship and halls are now expected to display a QR code which people can use to ‘check in’ and which will be used by Test & Trace. Please scan the QR code when you arrive, using the NHS COVID-19 app. If you do not have a smart phone please do not worry, we will continue to ask for your name and contact details. Consent is required for your details to be taken and recorded, however, registration in this way is not mandatory. It is to assist the tracking of people to prevent the spread of the virus. Posters with the QR code can be found on the notice boards and in the hall.



Westminster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustee Hertford as the account name.

Account number 21263242

Sort code: 40-05-20

Many parishioners are now using Standing Order to donate their weekly/monthly offerings THANK YOU! If you would like to do the same, the forms are available on the website to download.

IF YOU WRITE A CHEQUE TO THE PARISH please can you make payable to WRCDT Hertford. Thank you.


THIS SUNDAY IS WORLD MISSION DAY when we pray for the missionary work of the Church throughout the world. So much is being done, and so much more needs to be done so our prayers will be very useful. There will not be a retiring collection but if you would like to donate please visit


TO OUR CATHOLIC UNIVERSE AND CATHOLIC TIMES READERS IN THE PARISH: – at the moment you are unable to collect your paper at Mass, but you can get it delivered direct to your home every week, POST FREE.   Please go to


BOOKING YOUR PLACE AT MASS: Please book your place in advance and arrive in plenty of time so that you can sanitise your hands and be seated by our Stewards. If you have not booked, then unfortunately you will not be guaranteed a place. Please inform the Parish Office if you are unable to attend Mass after you have booked a seat, so that the space can be offered to another Parishioner. In response to Government guidance and for your safety, we are asking for your contact details so that individuals can be notified in the event of any suspected Covid-19 case. Your details will be kept for 21 days following each Mass to enable us to provide details to the trace & test system should an outbreak occur. Full details of the Privacy Notice can be found at




Mass Intentions


10.00am: Rita Holden (RIP)

6.00pm: Mary Manning (RIP)


Sunday: 29th Sunday of the Year

10.30am: Philomena Carey (RIP)

6.00pm: People of the Parish



10.00am: J E Henderson (RIP Anni)



10.00am: Stewart Hope (RIP)






7.30am: Private Intention



10.00am: Rose and Philip Murphy (RIP)



10.00am: Private Intention

6.00pm: First Holy Communion Children