View from the Presbytery 20 September

ST JOSEPH’S JOURNAL Volume 52   No: 34




Parish Priest:  Canon Terence Phipps            Tel:  01992 582109

DATE: 20 September 2020                                                                                                                                              


The page numbers for the prayers for this Sunday’s Mass are at the front of The Parish Mass Book.  Please note that there is a Loop system in the Church.




I am writing this newsletter piece on Monday 14 September before going off to the Cotswolds on Tuesday. It is always a bit of a business getting things sorted when I go away and I think today could be quite busy. Still, it will be nice to be away – even if only for three days – but I shall look forward to returning home on Friday. It looks as if the weather could be pretty good, so I shall certainly enjoy that.

Many thanks to all who contributed to the retiring collection last week for the Holy Places. At the moment, we are counting one week in arrears, so I can’t give you a total until next week. However, let me thank you all very sincerely for your generosity. A number of people have been making Offertory Contributions to make up for the time we have been in lockdown or following the various restrictions. I would like to thank them also, and perhaps encourage others to do the same. 2020 has been such a peculiar year that many things have become difficult, particularly where finances are concerned. Just do what you can, Thank you.

I mentioned the search for a new Parish Safeguarding Representative last week and would still encourage people to see whether they might be interested. The job mainly involves the processing of paperwork (mostly online) to get the DBS certificates which are necessary for anyone who comes into contact with children or vulnerable adults while involved with a parish activity. It takes a bit of time, but training would be provided and it shouldn’t be difficult for someone with IT competence. Have a word with me if you are interested.

While we are on the subject of volunteers, I might also mention the Parish Finance Committee. We could certainly do with a new member. We meet three times a year and the Committee looks at all the things that have to do with the finances of the Parish, from building works to the compilation of the Parish Accounts. The meetings are not long, so don’t feel this would be an onerous commitment. Again, do have a word with me if you are interested.

I mentioned the First Holy Communion celebration last week. This will now go ahead with restricted numbers of 24 and 25 October at 2.30 both days. This is not ideal, and I am sorry for any inconvenience, but we would like the children to receive the sacrament soon since they have worked so hard. We shall also have to find a date for the Confirmation ceremony to replace the one that was cancelled earlier in the year. I shall give details as soon as I can, so watch this space.

We seem to have managed pretty well over the last few months, but it really doesn’t look as if we shall be able to get back to normal any time soon. I know that many of you will be anxious about returning to church, but even if you don’t feel able to come in person you can make a spiritual visit in prayer and ask that we be given strength to come through this extraordinary experience.

God Bless – Fr Terry


Respect for the Planet’s Resources

We pray that the planet’s resources will not be plundered, but shared in a just and respectful manner.


Westminster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustee Hertford as the account name.

Account number 21263242

Sort code: 40-05-20



Many parishioners are now using Standing Order to donate their weekly/monthly offerings THANK YOU! If you would like to do the same, the forms are available on the website to download.


If you are a tax payer, please complete a Gift Aid form.  If you stop paying tax or change address you must let the parish office know.



IF YOU WRITE A CHEQUE TO THE PARISH please can you make payable to WRCDT Hertford. Thank you.



The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): This group is for adults who wish to be baptised, for people from other Christian denominations who wish to become Catholics and for Catholics who wish to be confirmed. It is also suitable for those who wish to learn a bit more about the Faith. Have a think about it and see whether this might be for you. Forms are now available and a start date will follow.

BOOKING YOUR PLACE AT MASS: Please book your place in advance and arrive in plenty of time so that you can sanitise your hands and be seated by our Stewards. If you have not booked, then unfortunately you will not be guaranteed a place. Please inform the Parish Office if you are unable to attend Mass after you have booked a seat, so that the space can be offered to another Parishioner. In response to Government guidance and for your safety, we are asking for your contact details so that individuals can be notified in the event of any suspected Covid-19 case. Your details will be kept for 21 days following each Mass to enable us to provide details to the trace & test system should an outbreak occur. Full details of the Privacy Notice can be found at



Amelita Mariconda, Hilary Williams, Ellen Cook, Ned Delaney

May they rest in eternal peace.




Mass Intentions


10.00am: Private Intention

6.00pm: Amelita Mariconda (RIP)



Sunday: 24th Sunday of the Year

10.30am: Niall Gargan (RIP Anni)

6.00pm: People of the Parish


Monday: St Matthew

10.00am: Ellen Cook (RIP)



10.00am: Private Intention


Wednesday: St Pius of Pietrelcina



Thursday: Our Lady of Walsingham




10.00am: Tony Flach (RIP)



10.00am: Private Intention

6.00pm: People of the Parish