View from the Presbytery 24 January

ST JOSEPH’S JOURNAL Volume 53   No: 3




Parish Priest:  Canon Terence Phipps           Tel:  01992 582109

DATE: 24 January 2021                                                                                                                                                                      


The page numbers for the prayers for this Sunday’s Mass are at the front of The Parish Mass Book.  Please note that there is a Loop system in the Church.




This week we continue our journey into Ordinary Time and once again are confronted in the Gospel by the calling of the disciples and the requirements of mission and ministry. Jesus bursts onto the scene and tells us that we – along with those first disciples – must repent and believe the Good News. You may feel that there is not too much Good News at the moment, but we need to make the best of things and remember that the Good News we are talking about is the great promise of salvation which is offered to all, despite any of the current problems which we face at the moment.

Our current lockdown measures are certainly inconvenient and are making it difficult to plan anything for the sacraments or for work, school or family life. Lent begins of 17 February and it begins to look as if restrictions will continue, in some form or another, until at least Easter, for although the vaccination programme is going well (with some pretty incomprehensible exceptions for vulnerable people who really need the vaccine) the rate of infection is still high and the virus is still causing sickness and death to many people. I feel really sorry for those who have arranged weddings and have now to rearrange them with no certainty that the things they want to arrange will be possible. Baptisms are discouraged at present, with restricted numbers and funerals too are not easy to sort out because of restricted numbers and the cleaning and stewarding that needs to be done. It is a really awful situation for so many of us, and when we add the uncertainty that the schools are facing, the home schooling that families are having to undertake, the current impossibility of opening so many businesses and hospitality venues and the continuing problems in hospitals and surgeries around the country, the whole thing seems almost overwhelming. However, hope is still firm and the many good deeds that have been done over the last year, along with the apparently successful vaccination effort, can bring us a bit of comfort. I myself will have the first jab of the vaccination this coming Wednesday at the Lister Hospital, so they are getting down to the 70 year olds!

One recent death that is very hard to bear is that of Simon Pearson, a very longstanding parishioner and a great help over the years. Simon was in his early 60’s when he died of the virus last week and we extend our condolences to his family at this terrible time. May he rest in peace.

I repeat the request I made last week for volunteers to count the collection. This is a great but not onerous contribution to Parish life and you can put your details (name, telephone, email) through the presbytery door if you think you might be able to help.

It is difficult to know what to say or how best to say it at the moment, so keep safe; keep happy; keep going!

God Bless – Fr Terry



Human Fraternity
May the Lord give us the grace to live in full fellowship with our brothers and sisters of other religions, praying for one another, open to all.



Westminster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustee Hertford as the account name.

Account number 21263242

Sort code: 40-05-20

If you would like to use STANDING ORDER to donate your weekly/monthly offering, the forms are available on the website to download.

IF YOU WRITE A CHEQUE TO THE PARISH please can you make payable to WRCDT Hertford. Thank you.



Your Support in Action

Join CAFOD online on Saturday 30th January from 10.30am to 12.30 and listen to CAFOD’s representative live from Ethiopia talking about how your support is enabling communities gain access to clean water.

Contact for registration link and further information.







THE ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: Vinnie Packs contain essential items i.e. thermal hat, gloves & socks.  The contents of each Vinnie Pack cost around £3.50 and donations to sponsor packs would be most welcome. Donations can be transferred to SVP Vinnie Packs, a/c 46088237 sort code 60-60-04 or cheques made out to SVP can be sent to Vinnie Packs, PO Box 72264, London, SW1P 9EZ                                                                                            

TO OUR CATHOLIC UNIVERSE AND CATHOLIC TIMES READERS at the moment you are unable to collect your paper at Mass, but you can get it delivered direct to your home every week, POST FREE.                                                                                     

Please go to or call on 0161 820 5722 and they will arrange for you.   SPECIAL OFFER 3 MONTHS: £25.00

SPECIAL OFFER 12 Months: £99.00

DIGITAL COPY 12 Months: £55.00


The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – I am sorry that it has not been possible to celebrate but please see the invitation below.

The Unity Service at 7.30pm on Wednesday 27th January which this year will be on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 870 3000 0665
Passcode: 009524
The service has been put together by the sisters of the Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland, and the theme is: “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit”.







6.00pm: People of the Parish

Sunday: 3rd Sunday of the Year

10.30am: Gregory & Jennie Black (25th Wedding Anni Ints)

6.00pm: Christian Unity


Monday: The Conversion of St Paul the Apostle

10.00am: Thanksgiving

Tuesday: Ss Timothy & Titus

10.00am: William & Mary McLoughlin (RIP)


10.00am: Sarah & Charles Phipps (RIP)

Thursday: St Thomas Aquinas

7.30am: Private Intention


10.00am: Simon Pearson (RIP)


10.00am: People of the Parish

6.00pm: Ita Shiel (RIP)


RECENTLY DECEASED: Mgr Mark Langham, Simon Pearson, Ita Sheil

May they rest in eternal peace.