View from the Presbytery 28 February

ST JOSEPH’S JOURNAL Volume 53   No: 8




Parish Priest:  Canon Terence Phipps           Tel:  01992 582109

DATE: 28 February 2021                                                                                                                                                                                       


The page numbers for the prayers for this Sunday’s Mass are at the front of The Parish Mass Book.  Please note that there is a Loop system in the Church.




The second Sunday of Lent always gives us a gospel account of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and this always seems to me to be a very deliberate way of reassuring us, in the liturgy, that there is a positive outcome to look forward to, however difficult we find it to keep to our Lenten resolutions. The Transfiguration helped Peter, James and John to cope with their problems, and today it can help us too to have a real hope that the Easter celebration is not too far away and that we can keep going until then. This year, of course, we have a greater need of hope, given all the sadness and negativity that has been brought to us by the Coronavirus crisis, but even there we have real reason to feel better as we see the number of cases fall and the hospitals under slightly less pressure as the effect of the vaccination programme begins to be felt. We are even given official encouragement to hope that things may be back to a more recognisable state by 21 June – a date that for me can’t come quick enough. Still, we have to continue our vigilance and not try to “jump the gun”, so we shall keep all the measures in place in the parish until it is safe to end them. And how grateful I am to all the volunteer stewards who have done such sterling work in checking names and numbers and cleaning the church! Not too much longer now.

Last Friday was the Cafod Lent Fast Day and this weekend we have a retiring collection for the work of Cafod, which this year is concentrating on their projects round the world to bring clean, fresh water to communities where it is not available at present. There will be a collecting basket after all masses and contributions can be placed in it. We had a problem last week with the late arrival of the Cafod envelopes, but they have arrived now and you can use them, especially if you are able to fill in the Gift Aid details if you are a UK tax payer. We shall extend the collection until next weekend to compensate for the late arrival of the envelopes. Many thanks for all your generosity. Just give what you can.

Simon Pearson’s funeral went well last Tuesday and I thank all those who were involved, especially his family and the musicians, altar server and stewards who did a great job, despite the enormous sadness of the day. I was amazed to realise that this was the first funeral in the church since 27 July last year. We have had fewer sacraments celebrated this past year, but people are already beginning to contact me about baptisms and weddings (some of which have already been postponed twice) so once again there are signs of a more normal routine being re-established. We shall need to sort out something for the Confirmation candidates, although I can’t give details just yet.

The Holy Father has designated this year as the Year of St Joseph. To remind us of this, I have acquired some prayer cards for people to take if they wish and they can be found on the table in the cloister and on the chest at the back of the church.

God Bless – Fr Terry



Violence Against Women
We pray for women who are victims of violence, that they may be protected by society and have their sufferings considered and heeded.



Westminster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustee Hertford as the account name.

Account number 21263242

Sort code: 40-05-20

If you would like to use STANDING ORDER to donate your weekly/monthly offering, the forms are available on the website to download.

IF YOU WRITE A CHEQUE TO THE PARISH please can you make payable to WRCDT Hertford. Thank you.


LENT PRAYERS: Please see the parish website for the prayer sheet for each Sunday in Lent – kindly created by Fr. Philip Miller. There are also some hard copies in the cloister.


CAFOD – FAST DAY: Abdella lives in an extremely remote and mountainous part of Ethiopia. It takes him ten hours a day to collect water. He says his life is being wasted as he has no time for anything else. Give today to reach vulnerable communities around the world with water and to provide other vital support. Donate online at You can also easily give via text. Text LENT to 70460 to donate £10.00.  Envelopes are available on the chest at the back of the church.

CARDS AND GIFTS are on sale in the Repository for Mothers’ Day, St Patrick’s Day and Easter


 CARDINAL’S LENTEN APPEAL 2021 Cardinal Nichols thanks you for your generous support for the Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal, especially throughout the unprecedented events of 2020. Your donations help fund initiatives in parishes, schools and charities in three mission areas which are more critical than ever. Marriage and Family Life: enriching and supporting marriages, the essential building block of society and the Church. Youth and Evangelisation: helping young people, the future of the Church, as they grow in their relationship with God and deepen their Catholic faith. Caritas Westminster: putting our faith into action by serving those in need. Education Service: supporting our schools. This year, the Cardinal is asking us to think about families who are struggling to put food on the table. Poverty is deepening across our Diocese and the need for foodbanks and supermarket vouchers has accelerated. Through your generosity we’re continuing to provide food for those people most in need. Please take a donation envelope. You can use the QR code to make your donation online. Thank you for your generosity.



We are in desperate need of food for the foodbank. Items can be dropped off at the church hall with Mrs. Sue Walker any weekday morning. Don’t forget that foodbanks also accept essential non-food items such as toiletries and hygiene products, helping people in crisis to maintain dignity.






6.00pm: Rita Holden (RIP Anni)

Sunday: 2nd Sunday of Lent


6.00pm: Julie Cranston (RIP)







10.00am:  (RIP)




10.00am: Nicola Westcott (RIP)


10.00am: Mohsen Chadirchi (RIP)

6.00pm: People of the Parish


RECENTLY DECEASED Simon Pearson, Paulo Messore

May they rest in eternal peace.