View from the Presbytery 4 October

ST JOSEPH’S JOURNAL Volume 52   No: 36




Parish Priest:  Canon Terence Phipps            Tel:  01992 582109

DATE: 4 October 2020                                                                                                                                              


The page numbers for the prayers for this Sunday’s Mass are at the front of The Parish Mass Book.  Please note that there is a Loop system in the Church.



 As I mentioned last week, we have a retiring collection at Masses this weekend for what is called Peter’s Pence. This is our contribution to the work of the Holy See and all its many activities. There will be a basket outside church for you to place your contributions and I would just ask you to give what you can.

I would like to thank those people who have expressed an interest in becoming the Parish Safeguarding Rep, but nothing is finalised at the moment. I would like to get the matter sorted out as soon as possible, so if there is any more interest, please do have a word with me. In fact, there are also a couple of other jobs that need doing and for which I need to find volunteers. I mentioned the Finance Committee last week and it would be good to have at least two more members. We have three meetings a year normally and we have to oversee the day to day finances of the parish and work out a strategy for its financial future. The meetings are not long and are generally enjoyable, so please consider whether your skills in finance, in property or in legal matters might be of use to us.

Another post that needs to be filled is that of the Red Missio Box Secretary. Our current Secretary, Alan Scarisbrick, has sadly found that he has to resign and so we need to find a replacement. I would like to thank Alan for his work over the last few years. He has been a great support to the parish in this important area. We need to contribute to the missionary work of the Church and these boxes are a constant source of income which help that work to continue. Do please contact me if you would be interested in helping.

October is the Month of the Holy Rosary and we shall follow our usual practice of saying a decade after each weekday Mass. This year we shall not use the scriptural words between each Hail Mary since we are not supposed to handle the book in which they are printed, but we shall still say the decade of the day and follow the Mysteries of the Rosary as best we can.

I have now received guidance for baptisms, weddings and funerals. The number of guests at a baptism has been capped at 6, for a wedding at 15 and for a funeral at 30. Weddings and funerals would normally be celebrated without Mass. We have to abide by the guidance, but let us hope that we can be rid of all these restrictions as soon as possible. Life has gone on over the last few months, but it has been very difficult for us to function properly as a parish, just as it has been a real problem for schools, colleges and businesses. Some of the regulations and official announcements have left some people both confused and frightened. Let us make sure that we look out for any who are vulnerable and do what we can to help. Our prayers are important at this time, especially as Advent and Christmas are not too far away. Let us pray in hope for each other and for all those in authority

God Bless – Fr Terry




The Laity’s Mission in the Church
We pray that by the virtue of baptism, the laity, especially women, may participate more in areas of responsibility in the Church.



Westminster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustee Hertford as the account name.

Account number 21263242

Sort code: 40-05-20

 Many parishioners are now using Standing Order to donate their weekly/monthly offerings THANK YOU! If you would like to do the same, the forms are available on the website to download.

IF YOU WRITE A CHEQUE TO THE PARISH please can you make payable to WRCDT Hertford. Thank you.

NHS APP FOR TRACK & TRACE: Places of worship and halls are now expected to display a QR code which people can use to ‘check in’ and which will be used by Test & Trace. Please scan the QR code when you arrive, using the NHS COVID-19 app. If you do not have a smart phone please do not worry, we will continue to ask for your name and contact details. Consent is required for your details to be taken and recorded, however, registration in this way is not mandatory. It is to assist the tracking of people to prevent the spread of the virus.  Posters with the QR code can be found on the notice boards and in the hall.

NEXT FRIDAY IS CAFOD HARVEST FAST DAY, when we give up some food and give the money saved (along with any extra) to the retiring collection which we shall have for Cafod next weekend. There are envelopes on the table in the cloister which you can take and bring back next weekend with your contribution. Please sign the Gift Aid form if you are a UK tax payer.

FAMILY FAST DAY ONLINE MASS FRIDAY 9TH OCTOBER 6PM: You are invited to join CAFOD online this Friday 9th October in prayer for those affected by COVID 19 in developing countries and in thanksgiving for our supporters here in the UK.  For further information see our web page 

BOOKING YOUR PLACE AT MASS: Please book your place in advance and arrive in plenty of time so that you can sanitise your hands and be seated by our Stewards. If you have not booked, then unfortunately you will not be guaranteed a place. Please inform the Parish Office if you are unable to attend Mass after you have booked a seat, so that the space can be offered to another Parishioner. In response to Government guidance and for your safety, we are asking for your contact details so that individuals can be notified in the event of any suspected Covid-19 case. Your details will be kept for 21 days following each Mass to enable us to provide details to the trace & test system should an outbreak occur. Full details of the Privacy Notice can be found at


Mass Intentions


10.00am: Shelagh Stacey (RIP)

6.00pm: People of the Parish


Sunday: 27th Sunday of the Year










Wednesday: Our Lady of the Rosary







10.00am: Anna Pearson (RIP Anni)



10.00am: George Robert Emmett (RIP)





Eileen Scanlon