St Paul the Apostle

Weekly Newsletter – 27 Feb 22

ASH WEDNESDAY – I want to invite you to join us for our Ash Wednesday Masses on 2nd March at 6:30am, 9:30am & 7:30pm.  Ash Wednesday marks the start of 40 days of Lent, a time when, individually and as a community, we draw our hearts back to Christ in preparation for his Passion, Death and Resurrection.

STATIONS OF THE CROSSFRIDAY 4TH MARCH.   The tradition of praying the Stations of the Cross is an ancient devotion that walks through the story of Christ’s Way of the Cross.  From His anguished prayer in the garden of Gethsemane to his burial in the tomb, praying together through these fourteen moments in Christs final hours is a spiritual pilgrimage that opens our eyes to the depth of God’s love for us in the face of unimaginable suffering.  I invite you and your family to join us for the Mass at 7pm followed by the Stations of the Cross at 7:30pm.  – Fr Perry


Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith.  Each talk looks at a different question and is designed to create conversation.  Alpha is run all around the globe and everyone is welcome. And it will be run in our parish beginning on Monday 28th February.  Please register TODAY!

How does it work?

1. Connection.  Usually Alpha starts with a meal together if in person or pouring yourself a cuppa if it’s online.  This is followed by a chance to meet new people and connect!2. Talk/Watch.  The Alpha episodes are designed to engage and inspire conversation.  They’re about thirty minutes long and explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity.  3.  Discussion.  Probably the most important part of any Alpha:  the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic, and simply discuss it in a small group.  There’s no obligation to say anything and there is nothing you can’t say.

LOURDES PILGRIMAGE – with Northern Star Travel Ltd –  Monday 24th October to Friday 28th October.  Cost £600 per adult, £575 youth aged 5 -16 years.  Cost includes Return flights from London Stansted – Lourdes.; Airport duty and passenger taxes.  1suitcase per person for the air-craft hold, 20kgs.  4 night’s full board Hotel Stella Lourdes.  Extras – Single Room Supplement £120; Travel Insurance £45 per person (no age limit).  Bookings received on or before 15th March 2022 will receive a £20 discount off the advertised price – the deposit of £200 per person would need to be paid on or before this date for the discount to apply. Please contact the Parish Office for Application Forms.

MASS INTENTIONS –We begin to book Masses for April from Tuesday 1st March.  Please note that if you ask for an Intention on a specific date and a funeral is subsequently arranged on that day, the Intention will be moved to the next available date. 

PRAYER AND FASTING FOR PEACE – Speaking at the end of the General Audience, Pope Francis invited everyone to make 2 March, Ash Wednesday, a Day of Fasting for Peace.  “I encourage believers in a special way to dedicate themselves intensely to prayer and fasting on that day. May the Queen of Peace preserve the world from the madness of war,” he said.  We will have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after the 9:30am Mass until 7:15pm

STATIONS OF THE CROSS – on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays during Lent after the 9:30am Mass.

GERALD KERNAN RIP – We pray for the repose of the soul of Gerald Kernan who did recently.  We keep his family in our prayers.  His Requiem Mass will be on Thursday 10th March at 10am.   May he rest in peace.

CONTACTLESS – is now connected!   Just use your contactless debit/credit card or smartphone to make a donation.

THANK YOU – for the collection last weekend which amounted to £1017.05 (envelopes £428.45; Loose £588.60).  Standing Orders & Online Donations for January amounted to £6824.20.  Thank you for your continuing support.


Many of us would find it difficult to answer the question, “who are you and what do you do?” with, “I’m a Christian, a disciple of Christ.”  Peter couldn’t do it.  In fact, three times he denied even knowing Jesus.  We’re much more comfortable with conventional responses like, “I’m a teacher, a bus driver, a homemaker, a parent.”  Rarely do we see our fundamental identity as being a follower or disciple of Jesus.  If asked who was our favourite teacher or who is our favourite religious author or spiritual guide, how many of us would say “Jesus”?  Francis of Assisi was so concerned about the penchant for studying theology under the masters and the pride that often comes with academic credentials, that he forbade his followers from reading any other book than the Bible.  Jesus should be our master teacher.

Unfortunately, in our secular society, there is an overabundance of gurus and goods to pursue, many of them counter to the Way of Jesus.  Because of the power of advertising, they are even more seductive.  Unfortunately, many people, including those who call themselves Christians, long for someone who can give them comforting messages, make things seem simple.  Many of these ‘cultural evangelists’ turn out to be the ‘blind leading the blind’ down the path of possessions, power, prestige, and privileges.  Jesus desperately needs his disciples to be just that, his disciples, teachers of His word and Way, prophets in the situations and circles where we live and work and volunteer.

As apprentice teachers and prophets, we learn our ‘script’ first of all by studying the Scriptures, as St Francis of Assisi and the other saints did.  We grow further in our trade by careful listening to our master in silent prayer and frequent reception of Jesus in the Eucharist.  As John the Baptist realised, so must we:  that Jesus must increase and we must decrease (see John 3:30).  We learn our master’s priorities and encounter him further when we reach out compassionately to those he embraced – the forgotten and marginalised peoples.

As we grow through this ‘on the job training’ it is very helpful to have other disciples with whom to serve and reflect.  A spiritual director, a small faith-sharing or prayer group, and a vibrant faith community can all help us to recognise the false prophets and idols around us, and to discern where and how best to be teachers and prophets for Jesus.  We can pick one another up when we grow weary or face difficult situations.


Tuesday 1st March             –             St David                                                        Ash Wednesday 2nd March

PASTORAL LETTER – This weekend we have a Pastoral Letter from Cardinal Vincent.  Copies available at the back of the church.

SAFEGUARDING – After a number of years as one of our Parish Safeguarding Representatives, Carmel is stepping down from the role.  We thank her for all her work in this area of parish life.  Sheila will continue in the role but it would be good to have a person to work alongside her.  Is this something you could help with in our parish?  Please speak to Fr Perry.

SMARTIES ARE BACK!! – Our Parish Lent Project this year is the Cardinal Hume Centre that works with young people and families at risk of homelessness and also refugees and asylum seekers.  Please take a tube of Smarties – eat the Smarties before Ash Wednesday and use the tube to save your Lenten Alms – £1 or 20p coins only.  Leaflets detailing the work of the centre are also available.

CARDINALS LENTEN APPEAL – If you wish to support this appeal, please take one of the special envelopes.

LENT 2022 – Please take a copy of the Lent leaflet that gives the details of our parish activities this year.

BAPTISMS –  Please contact Fr Perry to arrange dates for baptism.

NEW ALTAR SERVERS – Training for new altar servers will continue on Saturday 5th March at 10am.   Please come to the church before 10am.

COVID VACCINE – There will be a bus doing Covid vaccines at St Michael’s Church Hall (Bounds Green Road) on Thursday 3rd March from 9.30-4.00.

POPE FRANCIS – INTENTIONS FOR MARCH 2022For a Christian response to bioethical challenges –  We pray for Christians facing new bioethical challenges; may they continue to defend the dignity of all human life with prayer and action.

CAN YOU HELP?  – Have you any expertise/experience in Health and Safety issues?  Would you be willing to help with this in the church?  Please speak to Fr Perry if you are interested/need more information.


Sunday 27th Feb                    Refreshments after 10am Mass Mon 28th Feb        7pm          ALPHA Tues 1st March                      Refreshments after 9:30am Mass                                           +  Church Cleaning Wed 2nd March                      Ash Wednesday                             7:30pm      Pre-Marriage Course  Fri 4th March         7pm      Mass followed by                                            Stations of the Cross Sat 5th March        10am     First Holy Communion Class +                                            New Altar Servers Training (Church)                               4pm      Youth Alpha Session Sunday 6th March               Refreshments after 10am Mass                              1:30pm   Albanian Mass


  • We ask that all parishioners (unless exempt) wear a face covering during Mass
  • Please sanitise your hands as you enter and leave the church


1st Reading Deuteronomy 26:4-10; 2nd Reading Romans 10:8-13; Gospel Luke 4: 1-13