Welcome to the Zimbabwean Chaplaincy Website

Siyalamukela !


Tinomutabula !

Tulamutambula !

Welcome Welcome Welcome, all new parishioners to the Zimbabwean Chaplaincy.  

The Chaplaincy serves all established centres across the entire Enlgand and Wales. Each Centre has the pleasure of celebrating the Holy Mass in Zimbabwean languages once every month, except when defered to National Event mass celebrations. Local mass occurances are shared on this site, on our Facebook and YouTube pages. The Chaplaincy is thriving in all communities, across all age groups, guilds and a vibrant joyous spirit is strongly present wherever we meet as the Zimbabwean Catholic Community. Our vibrant way of worship has been present in England and Wales for over 15 years now, and the strong community that we are, is locally evident whenever we support local communties, in celebrating the sacraments in our local parishes.

As we enjoy our way of native para liturgies, we encourage all members to stay connected, and stay active in our local parishes. This includes arrangements for sacraments, and family celebrations. Should the preferences be made for either of the Chaplains to celebrate these, its is excpected that local parish priests will have granted express permission and appoval at the family’s request, as we aim to maintain a healthy intergration with local churches and communities.

The guilds represented across the chaplaincy are all representative of our guilds in Zimbabwe. New members are encouraged to join in, following due process of course.

Dont hesitate to complete a registration form, which can be obtained from  Fr. John Mudereri, or from the chaplains’ P.A. Mrs Gloria Masunga.

We welcome member donations from all members, which will massively support the Chaplains in serving the Zimbabwean community in England & Wales. Using the details below, you can set up a standing order all regular donations.

Account name – WRCDT Zimbabwean Chaplaincy England & Wales

Account number – 81673009

Sorting Code – 40-05-20

On completion, please inform your local treasurer so we can add you to the Chaplaincy Register and allocate you a unique reference number for identification purposes, (this is equivalent to the envelops we use in our local parishes.)  All members are encouraged to continue to quote this on any payments to the Chaplaincy for ease and accuracy of records.

You can also opt-in for Gift Aid to increase your donation by 25%. If you are a UK taxpayer then donating with Gift Aid means that we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 received. Contactless donations are simple to administer, secure and convenient.

Please note that Contactless Donations for mass offerings is available at all masses in all the centres where the Zimbabwean Chapliancy masses are held.

Alternatively you can donate by scanning the QR code below with your smart phone or device, taking you to the Chaplaincy donation page.

Thank you in advance, and welcome to the Chaplaincy!

We look forward to seeing you in one of our ZCCIEW centres for mass.


Thank you all for your continued support to the Zimbabwean Chaplaincy in England & Wales.

Fr. John R. Mudereri and the Chaplaincy Communications Team.