Baptism is a gift from God to the entire human family. Baptism initiates us into the family of God and cleanses us of sin.
For someone who is baptised as an infant, the personal response of faith comes as the child grows to respond to the graces given in baptism.
When a child is baptised the faith of the parents speaks for the child who is too young to have explicit faith on his or her own.
This is why the Church requires a reasonable hope that the parents will raise the child in the Catholic faith before a child is baptised.
If you are registered with another Catholic parish , we will need a letter from your parish priest, giving us permission to baptise your child in St. Michael’s or St. David’s.
For children aged 6 and below:
- At least one parent should be a practicing Catholic. Either one of the Catholic parents must provide a copy of their baptism certificate.
- Parents and godparent(s) will need to attend a Baptism Preparation Course.
- The godparent(s) must be a confirmed Catholic, aged over 16 and in good standing with the Church.
Please contact for more information and assistance in your preparations.
For children aged 7 to 18:
Contact for more information.
For adults:
If you would like to be baptised as an adult you will need to participate in some instruction, individually or through the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA).
Contact for more information.