Sacramental Preparation

A Sacrament is an efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is given to us. Full and active participation in the sacramental life of the Church requires a period of preparation of both mind and heart to be receptive to the grace of new life in Christ.

Please contact the Parish Office for further information.

First Holy Communion: (White Form)

Open to children who live in this Parish and are in Year 3 or above in Catholic Schools and (those who have completed one year in Saturday Classes).

FHC Classes are held on Saturday mornings at 9-10.15a.m. in St Edmund’s School.

Saturday Classes: (Yellow Form)

Are for children who do not attend Catholic Schools (aged 6 years and above) and who will be eligible to join First Holy Communion preparation classes in the next year or so. They are also for children who are not yet baptised.

Classes will begin in September from 9-10.15 a.m. in St Edmund’s School.

Receiving Holy Communion

We have to take care that Holy Communion is always received with reverence and understanding:

  • Please come forward quietly to receive the Body and Blod of Our Lord and prepare yourself for this sacred moment.
  • Please take moderately from the Chalice, always mindful of those coming after you.
  • Also avoid rushing to light voltive candles immediately after communion. Do that either before for after Mass.

In the reception of Holy Communion, the teaching of the Church remains that to receive the consecrated host is to receive Jesus Christ whole and entire. However, if you want to partake of the chalice, you are to take a sip NOT a mouthful. Taking a little sip does not make you receive less of Jesus neither is taking a mouthful increases Jesus in you. It rather signifies something else. Please be considerate of those coming behind you


Coming late for Sunday worship with the community is not a good idea and there is nothing as distracting as seeing people walk up to take the front sit during the homily. If you must come late at all for whatever reason, try to wait for the assembly of the faithful to stand before you make your way to the front. There is nothing as sacred and wonderful as arriving in good time for Mass.

Eucharistic Fast

Please remember that the church recommends that you abstain from food and drink except water at least one hour before the time you receive Holy Communion. Please do not chew gum or eat sweets in church. Parents please do not bring food or sweets for your children to eat during Mass Times. There are a number of benches and even Hymn Books where gum have been left stucked. Our cleaning Teams have found it very disgraceful to remove. Please ensure that gum is not brought into the church.

Thank You.


Open to young people who live in this Parish and are in Yr 10 students aged 14/15 years.

Forms for Confirmation are available and will only be given to the candidate and not friends or family members. You may speak to the Catechist or one of the priests if you are not sure of what to do.

Further Information: Please contact Mike on 0208 803 6631 or07976 290 171 or