A Prayer for those Self-Isolating
God our Father,
Creator of the world,
almighty and merciful,
out of love for us
you sent your Son into the world
as the doctor of our souls and our bodies
Look upon your children who,
in this difficult time of confusion
and dismay inĀ our country and our world,
turn to you seeking strength,
salvation and relief.
Deliver us from illness and fear,
heal our sick, comfort their families,
give wisdom to our rulers,
energy and reward
to our doctors, nurses and volunteers,
eternal life to the dead.
Do not abandonĀ us in the moment of trial
but deliver us from all evil.
We ask this of you,
who with the Son and the Holy Spirit,
live and reign for ever and ever.
Mary, mother of health and hope, pray for us!
Amen. |