Parish Summer Fete

please click continue for more details

Just a little reminder: Our parish Fete is always on the last Sunday in June which is the 30th this year. So do make sure to keep this date free.Various groups signed up over the past years, Ghana, Ireland, Nigeria, India, Columbia, Philippines, Portugal, etc. to take charge of a stall. Over the next few weekends there will be more information on what is being planned by a small organising committee who will meet shortly. There is a signing up sheet in the Hall for those groups or individuals who wish to run a stall. If you have any ideas for the fete do let the parish office know. As an early start why not begin looking for anything you don’t need any more: non-perishables, small items, ornaments, books, pictures, bric-a-brac, items in that bottom draw that are taking up space. Anything of interest and in good condition.

Click the link to see the video of our yearly Parish Summer Fete